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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 1

Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 1

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i li ii i ii I till. 'I 'I i a I 1 1 ii ikufii i iVi .11 ii i i i .1 VjAMhi! imjiMMiimwim niiwi ijjwwKnuiMaeAitv ai sfciArt. nmwi mswu flag mmiimt n. Ml inwiwii turn run fl lJ I I i I BIRTH liAV.5nftrVjrjIin.ipJwl7)lrtrt. hi7tf, 1 the aid of jfrbrnaryihM vice nive made would Qriplrtii of nf.u., r.

i i i K.t i i No. 2 i in iir irnir strike; i areamaa id mi.nlaii THE plesfarrsljr ftfuateJ three (lory houfe, cf the fuMftiber, id Main ftrett in this village The Hand for" buGnefs is nn of the firrt, ami for pleafantnefi is excccde4by none. Payments wtTbe made eafy, add jpqffeflion given the til of Ma)' next, or immediately. Befides the hoafc, whivh is cafy arMonve nieoti on the tut iia good barn fufEuient far woharfesaml t6cowi, with a handforatl garden, in winch are almo.t every kii.J of ruir. inquire oi.

NICHOLAS POWER, roiiglikeepfie, Augaltiy, 1803. To be Sold, A MOUSE and Lot of Land, Gtuate in Cannon ftreer, in this Villag. tielong Ing to the tlwte of the iate Joan Mott, ac ccfcd. The hwifc is too ftories, a8 feet in front awl deep, well finilhed. The tot ii J9 feet wide on the lUest, snd cxtend back one hunJred anJ fifty fcetj There ia on theprcmifea a goa.1 well of water, a good garden, well fenced, Far tcrm apply to EBRNEZER MO rT, Excj ARCH.

STE'WART, tori. January 17 th, 1804. 6 Snje, THAT TaloaWe'ftand oT the fui.fcriber, fituate three milea tjie vitge ol Poughkeepfie, Containing ten acrei of excel, lent land on which are tQ. good dwelling anJ horfe well calcuU. ted for Store and Tarern, where both have twen keut lot many veari.

Alfi a WOOO LOT, containing' twenty two ud nqjaiteri acrci or excellent timber. (hewhuie will be fold together or fepar'ate, a may bed foil the purrhaler, and payments m'dJc cafy. In. quire on the ptciuifri of THOMAS. POTTER.

B. All pcrfons in debtej to him are requeued to make fettle, racnt of their account! within three months frotn. the date hereof thofe whoh ivedc. numW Hre. requelleU to prefent them foi feu tlement.

Oft. 10, 1803. 50 tf FOR. SALE, A Sinai! Farm of about feven jCx. 'y cres cll proportioned in.

wood, plough and meadow land lying in the town of New Palti, Uillet county, about two miles welt of Valentine Baker's Mill nnd Landing on fatd farm ii a comfortable A veiling hojje, a good bani and lences for term, enquire of the flbfcriber in the village bf Poughiccpfie, who will give a title tor th: fame. GERARD S. SLOAN. November 1803. 54 tf co beSold, A HOUSE anJ LotofGiounl, contain, ing one acre, at RhinebtclcFlatts, pleafnnily fidiarcd on the Poil Road from New.Yotk to Albr r.y and within a few rod of the Turnpike Ruid leading from Salilbury to KmncDiiK land in, a.ij tlie Wei.

tern country the huufe it twoiiories high, snd contains a good cellar kitchen and cellar, two good rooms on the fir It flour, and three on tl.e fecoud, and a fpacious garretthere is alfo a good liable. For terms apply to JOHN COX, jun. JUiinebcck, 27th Dec. 1803. 61 tf NOTICE.

All perfonshavinganydc m.nds againll the edate of Major Solomon autnerland, late ot rooghkecplie, dc. ceafed, are tequeiled to orefent them for fct tlement. And all thofe indebted to the ellate. are earneftlv folicttcd to make immediate' payment, as the fubferibers are determined to hav the concerns ot the tltate fettled ithout delay, Smith Thompson, "1 Tiieodorus BAtiEr; VExecufors. William Davies, I Dtetmltr il, 180J.

6 Davis 6Van IClctxk. At their rew.Sfore, corner ef Main am! Academy Streets, ltavt er JianJ benJone egorfneri if CASSlNIERg, nnd Superf.tie Clr.fhs (cans and Fultiant. Striped, clouded, In lia filk Nankeeoi, (JjITicoca, coloured jaconet, Bonk and Cambrick Mufiini, MnilinUakenliieraand Irilh Linens. Cailimanc Uuuett, Ratiinett, lc. Tbij bave alt gtntuil Crookcry, Hard Ward Groceries, ALL too art bought for eaft and they flatter themselves they are marked as lo vaa they can lie had in any retail ilpte in hare tikewife, Bat Iron, Steel,, 7k 8, 180J.

J9 CJrCalh fwtd for merchantible Wheal and federal at thc ft of govern Mill thai ftV'StitihJhc Jorio'itofilie 'v irent. tl.e Any xhich. gave, "birth tirade hjiVooerifd upon hira, AVere very to the.iinmortal WASl'iUfcTuit. apt ro fjppoe'iuffeves'iis niotn'wifer "than The day was udurtd'iii liv the dtfeharf the multitude, ulv) jiblr', ef seventeen 'Cannnn at fun.uiing lfae inn thingvj 31 Vuucaiicn has ready made fame was difthirtreJ at'noan.

At us ift'tHofc whlch coutcrn cither feie. or TO BE SOLD, A leafe of a Store Houfe, fit tor the reception of Goods, with two aires of Land the leafe for about years to come. The above (lore is fttuated about one toile from Bice's Pond. For terms ap. ply ro SMITH PETERS.

Clinton, Jan, 13, 1804.. 64 HAT MANUFACTORY. JOHN HOBSON, informs his friends and I the uublic. that he has refuratd biifincft at his oid (land a lew doors eaft et the Hotel in Main llreet, in co.partner(hip with John Buckley, under the firm of Hoblbn BUckley. They have on hand a large aflbrurient of falhionable Beaver, Caflor, Roium, Wool HATS, of varions kinds and colours, which thty offer forfalc wholcfal and retail, on the owctt terms, utt.

7, ioz. for Sal A FA1VM, containing acres, lying in the of Clinton, fourteen roilesfromPougbkeepfie; the Farm is well watered, and has plenty et voml tint. ber, two good apple orciiards, plenty of other fruit, twdTloufea, one of uhaftrwai built new this feafori. For further particu. lars pleafe apply to Nathaniel Powell, or Jofeph Mitchell, in Clinton, One n.ile from this beaunlul Ipot.

Clinton, July 6, 1803. 37 tf IXIHEREaS Jhn BuDi, rf the town of Ct.f.uu, In Uuiehifs, of Utw Voik, md I.m hn witt, did. byacimin otei Lcaimg dat ihuicmh d.y be yir of out LarJ ouelhmiUnii (even huulrcd and 1 lueiy.muc, for fecurm; ihr pjymtul ot one ihuuUnd md fitly ngliddlLia andiliirynx icmi, in ib tniuncr thncin mciiiiontd, murtgigc (a S.mi tl Bii uf ih: fame place, DoOoi. ol l'bic, ana io kli and Allihaicir. lai 1 1 raft, piece or paiccl of land, flume, lit nd being 10 1 he 1 iwn of Cln.lun, a.d cuumy ol Duich fi tiiapitcnt ki.own and idUin.

HuiOici! bytixntuieof Hydcfark, and 111 pan Nu. Nu. 9, lu mip fuicy m.Je by J.coliiximb, Auul 179L Ucpi.ini.g at a Hake Itonei llaodmc on (he wift bi ihi um lb Crnk, at tic iioitlualt af l'it N. 8, thtube aoiih dtjitji rnd fiitcen mi hum wcU fi)tt)'iinie and fifiy Iuki lu ft ke Aaiair.iulbeaattliiieif lolNo. JO ititnLe north fourteen dcfieca and foity fiv tr.iu 4a raft IWfiiiy (wo chum In ike tilt tine rf Iiul loi Nu in, 14 fliine hep lyiflj a fmilldif Sauce hum; ulilitOak.

fifims, ilieuce louih ft. Vaiiyeihi li.giaa and litteeo nnuuir, eaft fatty til 1 tiaiui to a tlcfc oak. bufli maikcl, ftandti in il.e call hik the above mtniilni lliriiCi along the well baukef ibelaid aieik where it nvv ruiitlo thcplc.e Hi.Un)itig one hundred and A acfcaof land uveiliar Willi ull 4. ruigulat the in iTuaJri, build. iii(i ai.d ipputleuaiicea to tba fame or in ny apaeitaimngAnd avjirreat detauloi in been ulll.r )illnl of tlleafnufdifmn tuyi! to ih ud bamncl Bird.

TCow 1 irt, uilic ion it letehy (iven, accorniut: In th fiini bf at ailodleUgiUj ure of tlie Rule ol mitjd, ''an act inuri ,.,11 i lb 6 ti April, and puifuam SHan I iu the fild inoii'ge deed, ih.i on ih. tenth a of May neat tnfuin. ihertnic ritrtt nVlocW ii Vc li'iei oonot I he fame )'i ih rtjan, in vrh eti Jjlm Connur lale'y Ii. 1 on n.r't iiil.a, all IM liln of tint falJ ji.n l.uia Leu.

In itu faid nurifa. Ktc'ririi. 'ii. 1 be 'old el rublie auctian. and to i.i lu 1 id pu'foam tathej earned luih.p i.l.ilcr, byj SaMI'L bard.

tJuvMittnr 18 3 tlin FOR SALE, A Houfe and lot oppofite the Kpircopal Church in the village ol Pough. keepiie. The houfe two (lories high, new, and wcllconftrucled, thrte'rooms anda hall on the lo.ver Hoor, with fuSicient rodm in the chambers 'and garret, a large cellar kitchen, a good garden, fet out with plenty of young fruit trees, an excellent well of water near the door. It is a valuable (land, etcher for i merchant or mechanic. For further tutti.

inquire on therrcmifesof RICHARD HARRIS. February iSo3. 14 FOR SALE, THE valuable property beloi.ejinj to the auuscrtlrcr, and siluned in the rrnir nf theillagi. of FuUklll cnnsiBtiiisof aibnut one hundred ard cightacrfa the best urpiov. ed land cijuil to any in an illge, auiubly Jt viiKdimo ploiigh, meadow and wondlaiul, winch tlieie is a valuable a story house, with two rooms on tlie luwcr floor, and in tacli rrom i.

fire place, a very lare ancl convenient clitry on id floor, a tur eare wath mahngtny liTtn niatcri and rails, Iradmr; tti td three bed rooms and one large room utth a tail place, the ctan Continuing; to the garrei. is a ii large and convenient kttchtn aJjoiiiin; on the north, a good (arret v.ith one bed room imMlia same, joining tlie enny on ths loutlt, a coinen icntaiore, with a ctllar unjerilie same, xvhUi has been ud ror that several Jtira, the aland for businesi proapecte ql to any in the village fir Itasai tnen, a reeaulenesa ami prorpecti faa any sVititl pub lic nun nest, oraiiyincnneatoprivaiciiie, mere is a new in. use to acoimmoaate a email im abou tlirce tindred arda from tLe homestead, a gnnd barn, tarriage and fowl house with other unliable out nausea, an brrhard or altoat one hundred and twenty rprle trees Under tald two ctory bailding; there 11 a cel'ur tltoai.ym the stale the'. creel, runt tnroign said tarn) which cautrs a cons'M ply of water in the drust seas' ni. The above poanesica miny advantages vhich wou'd exceed the limits of an advertisement to enumerate it is presumed none will purchase previcua to viewing.

JOHN SWART. Fiahkill town, Dutches county, State of N. roiK, Koveni'aer 19, ICJ2. 5TU vW ASHINGTON' dn Wedarid'ai Prefidents The Rev; Mr7Balvh of Cenrge. Town, oCiciltcd is Chaplain An excellent band in 'if, which atltixleil and placed a nar ber of iiiecra feleclfd Far.

the uccaliaii. gave 11 7tft to th f.tltval. diti ter the fjllowin tnafls vvcre civen. 1. 'I lit vthich cbcritlies affection fir the mtmry nf Ovr ifthirtreJ four o'rUk P.

M. tfie compai'v, cofifliog ni tlie, aupreinaiirt, tr.e tc. deral msmlicrs tith BOLfci of Cangrefs, nnd gtMleoifn tf the Ciij' of W.7fhtngton, Ocvre Town, Alexandria, and vf fevcral Hates in the union, uliouere occufumally at the feat cf the nation gDvernincnt. fal down to an elegant dinner LoviJtd by Mr. oiciie.

i. Mr. Tickering a frrvator irOm MjfltiCiiu Pief.Jert: Mr. I. representative Virnnua, and Mr.

Saitds, rett h.cuie neir hi pet are nit rcukrt, or a reprcfentaiive liom New.Yark, ai.Vue. I.iaev. leeiier, hict, whet'evet; tnjf icMtteit cx'remuv ia. io be done. Here Ifei Odr'er'rori "Ihis ilU is not Co entirtlv ufo.eiVei11ijVnairguee wc iniacirr.i Tr.e KjUaliJ uljar'thc drill.

tute rroc of gtcai ciiieJjnt vtani law ivprcl led prfrperly. The) do vvant rc'llratnii', thofe alio'trs rrflnin's li td pilioriesi. iU ir'g n'tbirt ihey arc cr Kadi, id loin in the camsttr Kt libcrtr which I the) clc'ariy fiom tlteFrer.ift :1iu.j DiClUira'j, ciuletfja'd t'anieaii tJly paftda ritry rlrjA I hey arc thiy feUcin long Cot is that IntUnl they are iij njott ict, a.vil in chfing a leader. tt 11 cur lolly, bat pever lljtir't to ie very gjjod Kficgv iiaSt. man is ivliat kticy v.

sat. Ho, Ucy do tmj nu and will not take, ike lead theni wlm merely iletvi, him uho iant the example, This triaft wai inflantly fnlVr reol'liy the diicharge of 17 cannon; snd iue baiuHlruik lip, in lull chorus, Wafliinnion't 2. The Pteflt of the United "vaics. fMufic, I lail Columbia.

3 'TeFricnJt of ihr Pei iilr, not tI11.Tr 4. The hies with cirJlilittUnal not unit 'liiutijitln tlie .1 FOR SALE, A Saw and Grift Mill. TiIE Orift Mill contains two run of which grinds remarkably (ft) rudhindbmely fitueud lor extciiftve bub. iw fa, on lhal never iailma, urcim Wappinga creek, Hhi.ioi.c tjuaiteriifa ruile Iron, a lidirif, at ahic'i vrirclaa.tend of forty lone burlhrn. Tim n.ll hiafa 11 fily ten by ilnrt.fie, toninmrja fet o.

Macliinci 11 well calculated for mrrchaei wo.kaaaiiy nn the Ninth Xivrr. There is like, w.ic, a ronveincut dwelling houfe, foity fia Ifcl lit thirty rwn, with four rooms on a Cool, and four tire fiUcea. Also aweniy.fov.r acr.a ol beaunlul v. tilth II a uumbeiril fioulretl. I he whole adjoining lh poll road.

A riore par. d.fcnption vimld have breit given, but 11 II j.refuioej no petfgo will piircliale M.nh"ot fiift vuwingtlie pfcmilei. A fmrlHIe will he given by ilielubfcuber, who rGdf omlit rciri'fca, and made caly. Ihe houfe and land and mill will be fold, il 11 beftfuli ihe pur chafer, 111CKEY OATCS. March as, 160a.

niO's CASTELLO. INFORMS the public, thst the partner, fliip of Thimai Cajitlh jf Ct. is dilTol. veJ, snd that he now carries on the Tallow dChndlery befinefs alone, at hia works a few doors eft cf (he Court.hnufe, in Union ftrect, leading, to Kverfon's landing; where merchants and others mav he foralied with CANDLES and SOAP, wholefale and ti. tail.

He will pay cafh (or tallow, or receive tallow in excharge for Candles or boap. December 20, 1803. 60 if Country iididiu Lisfcrvitca the WtrlJ, I is reoft 'he nan vaho lias a fuiilt dcftratc example, aa ilitir wants ami dirij. 1 he 1 una tnohs clmic tretr.leadrrs well The lkfoj were left, to clJets Inranjiues to recommend huniiiity aj, itr it had been OJtraged alttr Ut heart had been lorii. uffard fluiijii his file and our tlcmccr.Ts ere wit' or ei ough ti rtrt.

I Yai key V) uvl'eS Il.oie hanangucs IJut the' ilnJ rd Hie Legilhiive avd Executive Autbir 'ttfMneatA ihe(laoxl3urg Sr. Antnir.e rtl me rei'tiit. Monoree arut. ifrii Jtiutijul than tlie Cuniluunon. Ura tl.i inl pccHi virru'sot IX 5.

I lie Judiciaryas tree Irum frfiuthn iJ) wllowed riiarat ir.rt JJantoii aril as rum patnxage. Kjiras atid Botiapsrte n'en who hktd cir'. 6. The Army and Navy although ffhu nage and whofitLtTd alrirant inveine, or. an trjmltrt, )er, prevalent iniV, thy cftl Gocklefaof t) liy.ioihcfmV.Uecf ,.7.

To theirueftaatBtf the U. Staler gun.twder and ofburnirg chutcnea, Wojlcf YititSitu at lea, and rtbef on Ihorei But have di aimed ilicfr hsen to hive evpofei not to fuitivcawho alLae ihe chalaJttr, ihrm'io their follbw'ta unhsllthc hotr.blii and abufe it, light Afltadeol theinevobtionarvchuaflcrsf 8. A Fri Ptft publics ten cf On the contrary, would ii not have tonvt'n." ia nufitd nui pun fit.i. ced them that in as iuch as they hud the tj. Jhirrjlj, JOcpacUjuA FiJtliij to the wmft furt of work to ilc? tit) very ej'f.

Conlliiutiun titles 10 iJintatien, if list etly feleClcd ihe very vvbtll, therrffta to Taviuuujin. the fitted fort if people tddo ti The crimes icl The Heroes and Stete'iiien cf the Rf that fuccctuvel llrip'd all but the, laH of there rrteritnriuJt affiates of WasM odious nim(ter ot iheir c'ovver weie not fuh irtotori Mu.c, Ybtlltre't Rtturn. as they had pe'rpetravd agiir II virtue, bula; 11: ile never deferted gsinfl their The) had defer ted to ili'i hit noil Arinuited bv his examale. IF will a tboufind tinres but iLk fell not lor env cf neicr JtftrtiiU lrim thofe. reafof.s, but LecaLfe wretch: ItUMii, tVajtungtQH 1 Grand Martb.

rrna r.aa ceierica 10 dic.a tnouaiia.timu Pfil.jflKFKS, ifbrt bad for that very mrrHuuplaiHed ihem By Mr. Pickering. Ktlitttm and Moral. Hat Manufaftory. TEUNIS VAN, KLEECK, INFORMS his friend? and the public, that he continued to carry cm ike JUTTING BUSINESS at hit old fland the upper end of Ivlaiii ftreer; here ilicle who can on him, may befupplied with warranted Beaver, Caf.

tor, Romm, and Wool Hats, for Men and Children, of different colours, wholefale afd retail, low lor cadi or any kind of country produce. (jar Cafh, and the higfcefl price, given for alt bi.t. U.ltina rul 51lllinf. lUri. PQueblitfit, 'Jan.

17, 1804. 64 SEEDS. it'ST received ard for fale, RED CLO. VjiR, TIMOTHY and I LAX SEEDS all arranud clean, by JLt.SE OAKLEY SON. FtbrUary JO, 1 804.

7 iirt bad for that very wHiujypUntrj ihem in the favour" or euCntial fun.wis uf a fin oevtrnmn i. Sucha revtilutfon as that of France, orri. juge MarihJL That rare Pairioiifm, thei cl Parh, lor Pris made antf ondufttd whirlirrefcri the mttrtft. to the Lull. itwas 1101 to be accompliQicd tiv the men he feisr.

having any cl.atactcr, but by thjfe who were Judge Chafe. The man who dares lobe deftitote of ull fvfuplet as of all poflcfl.on. hor.el1, in ihe Wot ft of time'. Good men adorn the bed time but they arc Judge Crancb. The memory of Mrs.

ihe earlieft mart)rsot the vvoift. The fun. Washik3tok, a pattern to our wives and ihine, the foftbreetes stud flioweit may glad, daughrcrs. den the futface of tl.e earth nnd keep its (t. Mr.

Campbell. John Adams, late Pre Com futever unifpiin thmigli lorever, progrcfU fldenr of the United Slates, the Patiiot anil Cvely in tlunjie, his the fubttrraneoo Sirs, Statefiaan, will be rememberrd and Je water fpoktsand mountain thudi that lay while virtue and talent are held in deep fouriJations hare, and bury a whtAa bn. region at once in fdciu Such is Mr. St'nJt.

Agriculture and Commerce, ttvolutjon, and fuch' are the p.ffiors uhtcti mutually fupporiing and fttpported, are the only agents to do its uiiible Mr.J, Lc The Pocr of Impeach S'ich is the fpcflacle ot Frarce, mi fuch is mem but not at a fub.liiutt for l.fpitit which the American admirera Rrjineiitn," ofr thofe irrhiaKrl, 'and pfi Mri GrifwiwtJ, The tomb cf lared to imitate ihera. Ihtngton, let it nut be profaned by a Crco Let be" rtpestcd thcr', the uQi af nnrfiaf. dile teart 1 Kit.g the hyjocrify of pur and Cut. Mr. 'T.

Law. Jjtt tibrri hail the riling however propiranij luieuary, fun, we bow to that whofe race is run. iwH o'r them Mr. tt. Stockton.

Our Sons and Dat.gfu wi their A it. jiihtyp, ha icttIiitfjr'itji'aiidtltnli Beaut and the Rhode lflsnd IcgjQaiure nJadpaper rootie 'Domejlif Pirtuet. I 1 1 Is not fiio a cJtVen ot Contfitf. qtt to a mcroLier 61 the Khtaie Ifland Aflcm. bly, toryouto'convinteih that the race'r he, FOJl A good Houe 6': SH ATED in plejfaPt Wt an t'lviitfrdfor amei.f..

nc, on the 1 pie ro from Vision. '1 ia nu lot 4 g'hl ham ar.d bLtk. For further ttujaire tl fabfcriiier on ihe vahu r. ill gt fufR.ieht title fr th: me, I.Oj i'JKDSALL re, J7, 8o. 6a'lf 1KE NOTICE.

THE Subfctihrr having for fotre time pail contiouetl an sdvcrtifement in the public papers, rcq idling a fetilemeni of all alCOUlll PUl in net Miitiraiui. w. aawvw. and READ, and 10 the fubfenber irfotrall and fording that many perfojithave mt paid proper aircntinn to his former sequel, he liow earnciuy mucus an niuiv nr mv. boetn nuke trsmcdiitc pjrnent, orticr to pievent" ihe ilifaj reeable neceCiJ' of pur.

fning mi re feveie uieifures tor the co'devtion j( his juit dues, 1 10HN HOBSON. riHiiihk'frlie. Avsruil 30. igoJ 441' I i IV la TWOaluaWear new JlOl'SfcS in the mint tt this Village C. legible for pnWk Uifincfs.

int turiher par. tibolart trnqutic of i 1 h.TER B. MORGAN. YifilUiff.t, jt ib, iee3, FOR SALB. A excellent tUnd br a Ta XA tern or Mechanic belonging to th ubfertber in Fiftkill Town, eTeten eall of Fimkill landing on the main toad FiankUu ten acres of Jand of ihe lielt (Jusliry, about ore half of which is food meadow, the remainder good Plough land, Orchardiall in ynud ftone lent.

There 11 on faid pitmtftt a new fin. ifhed houfe, lorry to by rweniy fir feet, hai f.aur rooms wn ihe Coor. 'and a lroe en. excellent cellar Mr. LhweSin.

The (tare cf Delaware. tuft to adopt, and firm to fupport the Conlti. tut ion. Mr. tfhntchtr.

National Economv. which favei ity fxtmtdiiure not iitn byrrvirg. Mr. Welti i No flituif to turn v. ho pre.

lers rame. Mr. Charles Cotfworth Pintk. riey, TaUntt, Firtue and Jhtiir, will here, rnembcred and rcfj.Clrit, Mr. l)ijttn.

The lad importation of preietided palriois of ii he tfie laft. Mr. Stedirenl Opprrflcd bunianiiy relieved by exfMli not itupuli; The Uy enjoyed by all, in armtiny iral In thectening tin re was a ball in Groigcioft 11, where Ceauiyand Fata rioiifni united, ami vied with rath other 10 honor the cU), and more enjphatitally to cheiifh the trieutory, at rtrcie the firtue of him, wh was their rMKRD, ritittNT Khi kitiiikttpit fhiSHIMSI ON'S JilRf DAY SrMLL Si CCLtlkATLUa 'Tiltt'J lUawn'i iiinitkr, la dread Itbtt, tru ehrmioh the vvliclc uruvr the whole length uf ihe houfe; convenient new Uatn and Hotfe.thrd, with hundfome dJnr.s ard nd farden fences, an of th tie funAalt nH. excellent well ef water hr ar the dou Alio, daHnet iibelm the iitHJ, run (tie on eiilie, llouft and cuartei.i'f an acre ft lan.1 arljoinj; lhe ults a.loefM Alfo, JJ rUrrfol trti.irgel ft Ihirtctu SCirl and an nan 01 i.u.i. WASHIkOTOIt CITT, ftt).

24, within a of a mile' ol in fme, An.1 iwow three acre of good nmDer luiul 1 FttU j'ow Herald. wlihin two miles, li or tre iw IJN, No it. fubfenber rn the prcm.iet win pjycn money ii alla Oil yes, replied lir, bst ihey niake it for tha: very reaToh," Th'e neinagcgucs ere ditcrrViteiJ. iris ieaAtjy there mouia be a 1 ls character they pi fiefs or that any man aould thinR. rAorc meanly than they do nt one unothct.

i it tut to be expec1ttilai ihe cbleil ai.d belt rjen of our country t.all e. bemoieoif. pufcdihan they have been ta A'prSrr. Ih iravnjna piincij'iei ti cur But hen ihef tie ro bj fubvtr.e.l, and when it is ell whvh tholj principles hav Uoittled.fictild be. devoted, at in to excite and re ard ih ions rs, isec men, lie afa.rgCo (Utel'mcn, will riut be in potter.

Lciiuc! men, however; itke warfii.ig, With dS. ecrnment ot ihe ixtert of ilieirdanger, let them ifiriiil) a rf ind.iroluUa tn'oiv A Let ihem b.e all itrrjunce ihe ch'UdiCir faille ai.J perilous deprnctence lliry lave hi iherto placed on the imiicd msrali arad dtf. ccrnrrtnt cf the rabble uai ot their leaden. Anal let it be r.otcd Well that in tvtry ctun. tiy which rerduticn tuslaul Katie, 'tneAprr ptteicfr, the men ho had rights, utrc tH tlllsged till Ihey were tirlt duudvCa tor the faaie.

VMlAillTnunDee. SO. JoC3L Co AT ii a mistake vvKien hat hten made thou fahi tirjev( thrre is nottlicleau doubt It will a ihuufand mure, tl ate hv ftriti. of hit juitiuiirrn, and i To, be Lcnfcd, HJ: fit ft day ftf MarCKt, the lioufc now ocTrjied fcy oiicr'a riq. tliuiTC in lueei, ui ino vuisge 01 foughKrertw.j oraictV TPl a a tie rcuaica a inuuianci mure, tint nv ltrib. isaai viline. theKotthein Route is ring a demagogue of hit jvatiiotifni, and I OXKRl.TC. WNJJSSS. vri.inlinrcceitUl;i"tJtariu!02:cs bjr.v rcd vt Hufd meiit Uctcrt kir.d, and February till, lunf.

6j i ii in.

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