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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 4C
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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 4C

Poughkeepsie, New York
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i ,4 af a PACE P0UGHKEEPS1E' SUNDAY' rNEW YORKER I SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13.. Sg Center Eyes Plan To Form East Fishkill Girls' Bowling League EAST FISHKILL Direc tort of the East Fishkill Com munity center met at Town Hall on Sept. 2 with Vke President Dominic Dur presiding. A committee vat appointed to investigate forming and sponsoring of a girls' bowling league. Plsns Ire or a four team league so that the girls may compete among themselves Athletic Director Psul J3a her reported that plans are progressing for the winter, basketball program.

A committee consisting or Lawrenpe Russell, chairman, Kdwtn Loun, George Bailey and Airs Donald Chen was named to look Into either a new swimming area or plans to Improve the present facilities. A HALLOWE'EN party will he conducted at the Fishkill Plains Elementary achool on Oct 31. The women directors In charge of the event Lester Wright, chairman of the field committee, reported that minor repairs are being made to equipment at the recreation field The equipment will be stored after maintenance la finished. Directors attending the meeting were George Bailey, llarry Miller, Shirley Matcer, Jerry Fowler, Dominic Durso, Edwin I.oun, Joseph Hardy, Mlchsel Velsrdl. Psul Barber.

Lawrence Russell, the llev. llsrold Van Cort, Roger Loun, Fletcher Tlolsovrr, Lester Wright, Mrs Henry Springer, Mrs Donald Owen, Mrs Judson Knapp and Mrs Wllllsm Uydell The last named Is a new director. Fll.M IN color. "The Pe troleum Industry," was showp at Tuesday's dinner meeting of Hopewell Klwsnls club at the Tour Clover Inn. This film was shown In conjunction with the petroleum Industry centennial.

Th directors adopted a sug coition of Conservation Committee Chairman Supervisor lllikman to order seedlings and plant them along some of the new roads the town reicntly lias taken over. Many of the mrnnipmenU will be handled liv Wlllard St John. President Walter Simon has proclaimed Sept. 22 as Ladles nluht After a dinner, a guest frnm the State Com mcrre department will tell o.f "Community Planning ana Intf v.rfwsrd Cunningham from tip.rnn Klwsnls was guest at this week's session Olficers Installed By McKinley DOA HIGHLAND Ida McKinley council. Daughters or America, met Wednesday night with Councilor Kalhryn Kadcllffe Presiding.

Plans were made for a nsrtv In tho lodge hall, Oct 23 st Committees wilt be appointed at the next meet Ing Mrs Louise Bhrrow, deputy from Poughkeepsle. Installed Dorothy Palmer, associate junior past councilor and alternate representative, Dorothy Chumlilll, associate vie ciiun llnr, Amnnda Curtis, assistant financial secretary and Florence Loos, Inside sentinel. MARGARET Itadcjlffe was elcited liujtcc to fill the unexpired term of Daiiy Mai key and was Installed Assisting In Jnitallatlon were Marjorle Mrr rlH, district deputy, for regalia, and flagbesrers, and for election, Grace Simmons, Mrs Palmer, and Doris Kadcllffe 1 he next meeting will be Wcdnesdsy with Mrs Alsdorf and Dora Mlttelstaedt In charge of refreshments. Mrs. Itadcllffo will attend the state session at Ubvernor Clinton hotel She Is also a candi date for the Ideal Daughter of America for the state.

SPEAKERS Included Mrs Sherow, Mrs Merrltt and Mrs ltsdcllffe, deputy of Moll Pitcher council, Poughkeepsle The retiring deputy presented gift to the council. Attendance awards were giv en Miss Simmons and Mrs Palmer. Mr and Mrs. U. Parker Deck.

er entertained at a family parly at their camp near Sundown last. Sunday. It was farewell party for their ton, Jon, who has left for college arid an an niversary party for Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Plass who were celebrating their 50th year of marriage, Many Awards Go To Valley Firemen At Chatham Parade Fishkill Personals Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Schroed er hive told their home in Hob inson street and temporarily are residing in the house In Main street, formerly owned by Mrs Ralph Hayt Mr. and Mrt. Clifford Bentley, who purchased the Schoeder home In Robinson street, now are residing there They formerly resided at Hillside Lake. Mr and Mrs. Douglas Hirst recently entertained at a party In honor of the fifth birthday of their ton, Donald.

Games were played and refreshments were served. Attending were Candlcc Coates, Susan Snyder, Linda Robinson. Richard Rob inson II and Charles Wesley MK. AMI MRS. Royal day entertained at a picnic at their home on Labor day.

Their guests were Miss Edith Van Wyck. Mrs George Douslas. Mr and Mrs Robert Leak and son, Kevin, and Walter Hall Mr and Mrs William Lattan 7I0 and daughter, Mlchrle, visited relatives In Worcester. Mass ovr the weekend Mr. and Mrs.

James Ketcham arc Ihc parents of a son bom recently The baby has been named James Karl Jr. Mrs. Lewis Wilson Is a Datlent at Highland hospital. MR. AND MRS.

Robert Van Vlcrk reicntly entertained at a party in honor of the sixth birthday of. their daughter, Bar burs Games were played In the afternoon and refreshments of Ice cream and rake were served Attending the party were Linda and Lawrence Magcc, KJlen Mc Nelly, Jeanne Hopkins, Tracy ween, Donald Keller and Deb, ornh Nimcth Dr. ami Mrs Herman Kluge anu sons. Herman and Itoser. and Miss Linda Townsend had dinner at lleekman Arms in IthinrlM'ck Monday The dinner was In honor of Miss Townsend birthday Carol Dethlefs and her sister Margaret, are at Potsdam State Teachera college.

Carol has been attending the college but win no Margaret a freshmen year They are the daughter! of Mr. and Mrt Herman Deth lefs, Osbnrno hill Zion Church Slates Classes at Rectory WAPPINGERS FALLS En qnilrrrs' classes begin at Zion ehurdi next Sunday. The class es will meet In the rectory at Circle 1 of the First PrcWby. terlan church will meet tonnor. row at 1U a m.

Mrt Frank Hawlk, chairman, will preside. BOY SCOUT Troop 00, will meet tomorrow night IIojs hav. Ing troop equipment are asked to lake It to this meeting Women Society nf Christian service of Waipplngrrs Falls Metlhodlst rtuirch will conduct a tea today In the social ball of the church from 2 to 4 The committee for Mil event will be Mrs. Clark Wahl and Mrs Herbert Ettlngrr, chair men. assisted by Mrs aim Bar ringer, Miss Dorothy Baxter, Mrs William Baxter.

Mrt Ar mand Bellveaur Mrs. William Blank. Mrs. F.lma Booth. Mrs Kshh Bunnell, Mrs.

Edward Byrne, Mr. Elmer Carlson and Mrs, Knud Clausen PLEASANT VALLEY Seventy three Pleasant Valley firemen marched at the Chat ham parade in conjunction with the Columbia County fair Sept. The firemen won In Clan second best appearing fire com panyand alto won for mott men in trophy wat awarded to them for farthest distance and another for best unit with drum corps. Women's Society of Christian service will conduct a sample fair and bataar at Pleasant Valley Methodist church Saturday from 10 a. m.

on. Mra. Glenn Myers Is chairman of the samnle fair with Mrt Jackie Kingston, chairman of the bazaar. MR. AND MRS.

William If 1111. ker returned home from a vacation trip to Vermont and New Hampshire. Mr. ana Mra Douelas Sherow and Mr. and Mr.

Cecil Sherow celebrated their wedding anniversaries yesterday. bnckomcko chanter. Order nf the Eastern Star, will meet Tuesday at the Masonic temple. t'leasani Valley, with Mrs Amelia Walter, matron, and Donald Walter, patron, presiding Mr. and Mrs Harold Saaen dorph and Lawrence and Laurel June, have returned home after a week's vacation at their cottage at Klndcrhook lake.

PLEASANT VALLEY Granae met Tuesday night with Master William Jarvl presiding. Officers elected for the year are; master, Charles s. Tanner: overseer, Jamea Todd; lecturer. Mrs William HUllker, steward, iiirnara i raver, assistant stew ard, Roy HUllker. chaplain.

Mrs Alden Traver; treasurer, Frank Brings, secretary. Mrs Juno GUI, financial secretary, Douglas Sherow, gatekeeper, rrana iiessxen, Ceres, Mrs Frank Way, Pomona, Mrs Enos Merrltt. Flora. Mrs Gill, lady assistant steward. Mrs James Todd, executive committee, William Hie tellers were nlrlmnl Traver, Allen Sutcllffe and Donald THE NEXT meetlnc will he Sept 22 when It will be Visitors' nignt with Upton Lake Grange, Pine Plains 2nd Millertnn as Invited guests.

Refreshments will be served by Mr. and Mrt. Bert Adamt and Mr. and Mrs McDonald. Refreshments after the meet ing were Served by Mrs Ethel Johnson and Mr, and Mrs.

Al len Sutcllffe. I. Hymn Sinq Planned At Pino Plains Tonjght PINE PLAINS A commu tilty hymn ting It tltted tonight 8 o'clock In the Pine Plaint Methodist church, sponsored by The commission or membership and evangelism, About nine area choirs have been asked parti clpate. Stephen Hawks, Smith field, will be baritone soloist. Mrt.

Charlet Jett, Stanfordville, the accompanist at th piano 'and Robert Palmatier, Fin Plaint, will be at the organ. Frank S. Beebe, minister of. music at Pine Plaint Methodist church, It the director of t4e program. Refreshment! trill be 'served In church dining room after th program by th commission on member hlp and evangelism Mr.

and Mrt. Herbert De Carmoand four tons, Herbert, James, Lewis and Andrew, and Mrt. Arthur Q. DeGtrmo, ScbuylervlUe, were Thursday visitors at the horn of Mr. and DeGari 3 4 VV Rally Day Planned, At Modena Church Bon Voyage Given For Modena Couple MODENA A bon voyage party took place recently at the home of Mr and Mrt Gerald DuBols, Jansen road, north of Modena, honoring Mr and Mrs Lester I Arnold.

Modena, who are now on a tour of Europe Attending were the Rev. and Mrs George Johnson and daughter, Jocelyn, Mr and Mrs Joseph llasbrouck, Mr and Mrs Burton Ward, Mr and Mrs Lclloy Gruman. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Wells. Mrs Louis lltt, Mrs.

Frank Coy, Mist Mary Watson, Mr. and Mrt DuBols Grimm, Miss Emma llchm, Mrs Ira Hyatt, Mrs. Ralph Tlcc and son. Alan, Mrs. Walter Loflnk, Modena: Mr and Mrs.

Myron E. Fosler, riaucaiii; Mrt. Joseph Simmons and John Simmons. Ire. land Cornert: Mrt.

Fred Du Bolt Sr, New Paltx; Mr. and Mrt. Emmett Hyatt and Miss Irene Slrklcr, CUntondsle. Staff Listed Af Rhinebeck Central School RHINEBECK Rhinebeck Central school opened Wednet dty after the tummer'vacatlon. On.

the teaching stiff thlt year are atslttant prlnclptl, Erwin n. Kane; supervisor of elementary education, Arthur Car dany; kindergarten, Ella Bel field, Francis Bellinger, Elizabeth Slglotk and Lorraine Ban ning; first grade, Lona Tator, Irene Scrlber, Diane Perrera and Patricia Jones: second, Eve lyn Kilmer, Ethel Glynn and Htlen Dembotkl; third, Marie Bellinger, Howard Kelly. Flora Spauldlng, Carplyn Keator and Dorothy Kochinka. 1 ALSO, FOURTH grade. Ruin Wagert.

Blanche Wagert and Jeanette fifth. Jean Klefer, Lois Ruge. Gearee Law ion and Adelaide Crowley; music, Hollo West; school nurse and attendance supervisor, Emllle Schultz: physical edu cation, Thomas Sartofl and Henry Hildreth: citizenship edu cation, Leonard Enter Cleo Flcke and Paul Matthews; sci ence and mathematics. Walter Hoffman, audio visual. Maxwell Knapp.

Also, home economics. Mar garet DeVane; science, John Cl offl and Robert Jones; art, Eleanor Elf; guidance, 'Dorothy Al ien; junior nigh, Francis Bellinger, George Brooks. William FlOier and Ann Buckley; Eng lish, Betty Bnswell and Jane McGulnness; Latin and French, iary uanin; Dusiness, John Cuttcn, elementary business, Mary Decker; Industrial arts. Francis Kinney; girls' physical education, Ruth Nachman; elementary music, Shirley Tuttle; commercial subjects, Helen Van Buren, high achool librarian, lona Werncck; remedial reading, Ella JJelfield and French and developmental reading. Edith Countryman MRS.

LONA BAIllmWK mil her sister, Miss Doris Forbes, South street, and their father took a two week vacation at Daytona Beach, Fla recently. Registration for church school Classes will be conducted this morning at the Church of the Messiah The Sundav school was closed for the summer Mils Sally Williams unn turn championships at the English norse snow at the County fair. She also won seveh other ribbons MIm Williams the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Icy II.

Williams, Parsonage street. GEORQR W. KUCULER son of George W. Kuchler, Schulti Hill road, la a member of the Army Engineer Center regiment at Fort Belvolr, Va7, and is an Instructor In the center's Company I. Mrs.

Lyle J. Howland, Rome, N. Y. Was the BUest nt hnnnr at the annual luncheon meeting of Chancellor Livingston DAR, at Bcekman Arms recently. Mra.

Howland Is New York ttate vice regent of the uau one spoke on "The DAR In Education." MODENA Rally dar It listed at Modena Methodist church today when a sermon oa "Someone li Looking" will be given by the the Rer. George T. Johnson. Beginning tonight the first night service will be conducted it Modena Methodist church starting at 8 o'clock. Services will alternate each Sunday between the two parish churches, Cllntondile and Mo dena.

The tonight will be "Humpty Dumpty A MEETING OF the Official board of the Modena Methodist church 1 scheduled for tomor row at the home of Mrt. Grace Coy. The meeting wllj open at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday night, local mem bers of Ulster County FIremen'i issoclitlon will attend a meeting at the Highland Fire Co.

station in Highland. The beginning midweek Bible study class is scheduled for Wednesday at 7.30 D. m. aUMo dena Methodist church. Similar classes will be conducted each week.

MR. AND MRS. William Decker entertained guests from Baldwin, L. recently. Mr.

and Mrt. Jesse McHuirh and children, Kim ind Keith, Schenectady, visited Mrs. Mcllugh't parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B.

Wells, over the holiday. Book Total Increased by 51 At Hyde Park Free Library HYDE PARK Fifty one new book hive gone into circulation at the Hyde Park Free library. Fourteen are adult fiction and 13 adult non fiction. Eleven are Juvenile fiction and 13 are juvenile non flctlon. The books of adult fiction are: The End of Violence," Ben Benson; "The Foggy Foggy Dew," Lee Blackstock; "Cclla Garth," Gwen Brlstow; "Command the Morning," Pearl Buck; "California Street." Nlven Rusrh; "So Dead' the Rose." M.

E. Chaber; "Duty Free," Manning Colea. AIJJO ArRON STRINGS." Adele deleuwj "Man Over. boird," Monica Dickens; "Qual. ity of Mercy," Anne.

Downet: "Life it a Journey." Gertrude Flnneyi "Doctor and Son Richard Gordon; ''South Town." Loreni Griham; and "Providence Island," Jaquetta Hawkrt. The books of adult non flctlonflctlon are "Aliski; the Big Land," cBn Adams; 'This is the Dei ert." Phil Ault: "The Blshon Method of Clothing; Construe 1 iion, o. tiisnop; "Wiywara Vicarage," Anthony Brode; "Dear Friends and Darling Romans," Mary Chamberlln; "The Knlgbt of the Golden Fleece," Virginia Chase. Alio. "Death and Ufa of Gen many.

Eugene Divldson; "Short History of New York State." David EUii; "How to Get That Part time job." 8. N. for Your Child," i'ttstttttttttttttt SlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa7 Biiiafl. iLliB7 BBBBBBBBBBaSaaaBBBK "xZK' 40 hour Rites Start This M. in Dover MISS JOAN HARMER, Dover Plain.

It engaged to be married to Roger Cutler, also of Dover Plain. Miss Harmer It the dtughter of Mr. Elizabeth Harmer and Mr. Cutler' parents are Mr. and Mrt.

Howard Cutler. Church Guild Has Candlelight Rites BEACON Wesleyan Service guild of the First Methodist church marked 'the opening of us season wun canaiellgnt in siauaiion ceremonies for new officers. Mrt. Fred Blakslee, past president, was Installing officer. Offlceri Inducted included Mrt.

Joseph Pellerln, president; Mist Naomi Mayen, vice preal dent; aecretary, Mrs, Robert Travlt; treasurer. Mrt. Theo dore Brown. Devotiont pre. ceding the installation were led by Mist Miyen.

STANDING COM MITTEE membcrt for the yeir Include kitchen, Mr. Dontld Minor, MM. William Atkinson, Mrs. Jsmes Whltlock; Bethel home, Mrs. William Incremona; spring party, Mrs.

Blakeslee, secret pal, Mrs. Brown; publicity, Mrs. Travis; nursery, Mrs. Lorraine Lucas; church board representative. Mrs.

Pellerln; telephone. Mrt. Robert Schoch, and friendship, Mrs. Hennry Bopp. Dates for the fall cleaning of the church kitchen will be Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Miss Mayen Is In charge of preparing program booklets plans were discussed to sponger two dinners this fall. Dinner was served at i table decorated in fall flowers. Hostesses were Mrs. Travis, Miss Mayen and Mr, pellerln. MISS DOREEN Dl Castro, daughter of ilrt.

Jane Dl Castro, waa honored at a party celebrating her 12th birthday, A buffet supper wit terved ind garnet and dancing took place later. Decor was In green and yellow. Guests attending Included Dime Idemi, Sheryl Bloomer, Cithy Hedges, Sandra Hughes, Thomat and Jamet Dl Castro, Jeffrey Hoffman and Dennis MacDonald Dover Girl Engaged to Marry DOVER PLAINS Mrt. Eliz abeth Harmer, Dover Plains, announces the engagement of her daughter, Joan Elizabeth, to Roger Cutler, ion 01 Mr, ana Mrs. Howard Cutler, also of Do ver Plain.

Miss Harmer it a 1959 gradu ate of the Dover Plains lllgn School and 1 an employe at Harlem Valley State hospital office. Mr. Cutler, who also attended local schools, is employed the Merit Container Wassalc. Wedding plans are incomplete. Rhinebeck Host For County Legion RHINEBECK Montgomery post, American Legion, was host for the county meeting Wednesday night at the Legion home.

Ladies auxiliary of Fltzpit rlck Chapman post will meet tomorrow night at the post home with Mrs. Arthur Locke in charge. A meeting of the Rhinebeck Busy Bee Home Demonstration unit took place at the Town Hall Tuesday night. Hostesses for the program were Mrs. John Wollerton, Mrs.

Nell Volk, Mrs. David Tompkins and Mrs. Joseph McMahon. DOVER.PLAINS Forty Hours devotion will open tfci morning with a Mia Cantata and 'procettion in St. Charles church at the 1 1 :30 o'clock Matt.

novations are tilted at 8 o'clock each night and a Holy Hour It planned tomorrow nigni tn nm far the leaden of our country In compliance with the order from Francit "Cardinal Spellman. A lllgn uast Will DC sung each morning at 7.30 oclock and all day adoration it planned until the closing Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Mr anil Mrs. GeorCe Ot trander. New City, visited her brother in law and sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Scott, over the Labor day weekend. MR. AND MRS. William Savage.

Mr. Patrick Harklns Land son, James, Mr. and Mrs. franc auDDon ana suu, ncu erlck. and Mrs.

Warren Ettingaf and daughter, Marl annef and Mrs. John Novak, Pouehkeensle. also Mr. ana Mrs, Donald Novak, attended a family reunion In Syracuse over tne Labor day weekend. Sinclair Jetter is a patient at vassar Hospital.

Mr. Bernlce Bertrand and dauchter and her mother Visited relatives in Connecticut on La bor day. Miss Patricia Duncan and George Porter, Rochester, were holiday weekend guests of her parentt, Mr. and Mrs. uenja mln Duncan MISS KAY DOLAN returned to Westbury, L.

to resume her teaching duties there after visiting for the summer with her sister, Mrs. Frank Scott Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tam buro and John Carolla, New Rochelle, visited Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Rennia over the Labor day weekend. John E. Dolan and son, Jack Hollls, and Miss Agnes Thoren, Mlneolat, L. I. were guests of his brother and sister in law, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Dolan, last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galuppo accompanied Mr. and Mrs.

John Fordermaier and daughter, Catherine, to New York City when they left this country on the Queen Mary for Europe. Wingdale Personals Renjamln Fine; "The United Nations," L. M. Goodrich: "Ken. unit uiBiimv.

ion iivvii, and "Enjoy Your Children Lucille lleln. THE ELEVEN BOOKS ot lu venlle fiction are "Hunters Hideout." Mebane Burgwyn; "Mike Mulligan ind Ills Steam Shovel" V. L. Burton: "Mystery of the Aztec Idol." H. 11.

Carr; "Buffalo Kill," Garden Christ enien; "And ind th James Daugherty. Also "Magic or Noli," Edward Eager; "Prayer For a Child." Rachel Field; ''Norman the Doorman," Don Freeman: "The Long Noted Princess." PrlscllU Ilallowell; "Palice Un drr the Sea," E. P. Hanpncr; and Sammy the Sell," Sydney Hoff. The books ot Juvenile non fiction are "The First Book' of Airplanes." Jeanne Bendlc; ''The Book of Reptile and Am phibltns," MlchiellleVins; "In dims of the Longhousel" Son Ja Bleeker; "Exploring by Satellite." F.

M. Branley: 'The Wonderful World of Muilcj" Beniimin Britten. Alto. "Knight and Cattle and Feudal Walter Beuhr; "Pet," Fnnclt Chryitiej "America Begins," Alice Dalglleih; "Daniel Boone," James Daugherty; VTalefTotd Again." Wal ter De La Mire; "Kites. How to Mike and Fly Them," Marl.

on uowner; "aunt and Witch. ei and a Drigon or Two'Phyl. Ill Fanner! "101 nat Fenuerj rrtnkeL mi ai n.tA lui utzati. iiaiurv Qamet and Prelect Lillian 4 i Mr. and Mr David Calla han and family entertained Mrs Callahan's parents, Mr and Mrs Raymond Wheeler, at an anniversary dinner at their Sopti 2 Mr and Mra.

WhccleT celebrated their thirty, first wedding anniversary. Also attending were Sophie and inanes Wheeler and Mr. and! irs. aonn wneeier and Pamela. Dover Plains.

Mrnd Mr. P'ler AgosUnl. New York City, were at their home In East Mountain Road last weekend. Mr. and Mr.

Howard Carlson and children. Patricia. Janet, Nancy and Howard Avon. Conn, visited their parents here on Labor day. MR.

AND MRS. Murray Hoag Sr returned to their home here arter a week' vacation In Massachusetts. They visited relatives in Stoneham and Boston and spent the weekend and holiday at Shore Acre on the outh shore, Marcla Judson celebrated her birthday Sept. 1 with a party at her home Sophie Wheeler tpent several dat recently at the hbme ot her aunt, Mr. Louis Blerce, In Poughkeepsle Mr.

and Mr. Jamel Towle and daughter. Framlngham, Mass were cuesta at th hnm of hi brother Alfred, here, last JUDITH AND D.rl.nn irn.r returned home Tuesday from Chatham where thev scent nm time at the home of thrir mat.r. mi granapirents. 'Mr.

and Mrs. 'No Shfrnw spent the holiday weekend at KulcU'a Landing on Lake George, Mr. and Mr, Thomas Maher nu uaugnier. Maureen. Pawling, visited her Barents.

Mr. mnA Mrs. Lout Pascola, on Labor dijr. Mr, and Mr. Hugh Riley and ton, James, Astoria, L.

vialt ed relatlvei In town last Mk. ena. tee MR. AND MRS. John Marello nd children.

Tfha. Pni nH v.ui, un urona. vuuea reu uvea in lown nit weekend, v.iicryi mninip is spenaing a lewqay wur uaren Callahan. Mr. Lerov.

Johnson Rnrlno. field. Mass visited her mnthvr. a atrm. cvriyn uamei, last weekend Miss Alma Basal, New York i City, apent the weekend and holiday at her home here with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farrington, Virginia, visited their nxrenu si weoxena Mr. and Mrs. Frank rhl.

and daughter, Diana, Woodslde, h. spent the holiday weekend at their home4n Lake EUls road. Mr. and Mr. Joseph Menchet ii ana aaugnier, uaii, Torrlng ton, Conn, pent Sunday and munuay wun relatives nere.

AIRS. FLORENCE Rl.lns nu sisier.jtuss raganuccl. New York City, spent the holi day weekend In Wingdale'with friends. Mr. and Mrs.

Warrn Jnrfann md children. Marianne. War. ren and David, have moved irom mngaaie into their new. ly purchised home In Dover Plaint.

Joseph Falx. New York rilv visited his mother iire last weekend. Mrt. Nora Shine. New York City has been a guest at the home of Mn Evelyn Hamel.

Richard Cella and son, Richard, Greenwich Village, spent the holiday weekend with inena in town. Mr. and Mra. Harrv Martin Commack. L.

I visited Mr. and mra. uoratr aioeum last wk. end. Mis.

Laura Rnnrnll Naur York City, visited Tier lter. Julia, her last MR AND MM. ii.a visited In Vermont New Hampshire, and Massachusetts last weekend and' spent the holiday with relative on Cape Cod, Mas. Mrs. Ruth St Cyr and Fran re Freeman were visitor in Poughkeepsle last week, Richard Veglla.

the Bronx, spent last weekend at hi home her with Mrs. Veil! and their children. Lorraine and John. Mr. and Mr.

Raymond Wheel. er have left here for their home in Tie. Hi, after teveral week' visit In town. They were accompanied by their, children, Sophie and Charle. MRS.

HELEN' Mostachetti and children. Betsy, Susan and MichaeL and her mother were visitor In Poughkeepsle Tues Card Party Planned By Dutchess OES BEACON Plsns were made for fall activities. at the recent meeting of members of Dutch ess chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Mra. Fred Pullls was named chairman for the card party slated at the Masonic temple, Oct 8.

Plans were discussed fos a smorgasbord Oct 24. Presiding it the meeting were Worthy Matron ind Patron Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Stehr. Hostesses for refreshments Included Mrs.

Theodore Schoem tmrg, Mr. Robert Young, Mrt. Harold Ager and Mrt. John Mam. Mrt.

George Ager received the birthday cake for September, 'On Saturday the annual dog show, sponsored by Beacon Kl warns club, is tilted it Memorl il Field. Membert of the Fortnightly club hid their first fall meeting at the home of Mrt. Herbert Vermillion. Old Castle Point road, on Thursday. John J.

Bump auxiliary, Vet eran or roreign wars, met in Memorial Hall Thursday. 1 Men Made Life Members In Dover Lodge DOVER PLAINS Dover lodge, FAM, on Sept 3 jVesent ed life membership certificate to Grant PtiiLUP and David Sincerbox In honor of their 30 yean of membership. Monday Night Card club resumed sessions recently at the home of Mrs. William G. Lucas.

Attending were Mr. Duncan, Mr, uernara J. Brady, Mrs. Arthur Palmer, Mr. Oak ley Diby, Mr.

Wlllard Coon and Mr. James uowen. ON AUG. 26, Mr. and Mr.

Alexander Lewi drove their son, Pfc. John H. Lewis, to Fort Dix, N. where he hit been stationed. Pfc.

Lewis boarded a plane for Rochefort, France, where he will begin two years of oversea duty, aim on the trip to Fort Dix Were Mr. and Mrs. John Klndleburg and Mis Ann Pfelffer. Charles Soper, ion of Mr. and Mrt.

Robert Soper, and Peter Lasher, ton of Mr. ind Mrs. Kenneth Lasher hive enrolled In the nurtes' course it Harlem Valley State hospital. Miss Miureen Gowen his be gun her duties a a school nurse at L. I.

Principal and Mrs. William G. Lucas are visiting their ion, Gerald, in Rhode Island this weekend. MR. AND MRS.

George Co Ietti, New York City, are the parents of a son, David Leo, born Sept. 1. Mrs. Colettl Is the former Miss Virginia Palmer, Dover Plains, daughter of Mrt. A.

G. Palmer. This Is the couple's first chlld Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Boscar din left here last week for a vacation upstate.

Mr. B'oscar dln is convilesclng after recent hospitalization. Miss Linda Daby, accompanied Mr. aftd Mrs. Leo Reed and daughter on their holiday weekend trip in Maine.

Film Party Slated By Dorcas Guild BEACON Members of the Dorcas guild of the First Pres byterlan church met In the church hall recently and dls cussed fall activities. The first activity will be a children's movie party at the Roosevelt theater Sept 26, "Gulliver's Travels' will be the feature film. Second on the agenda will be a public ham supper at the church hall Oct 6. Mrs. Abram Smith Is chairman In charge of ar rangements.

A covered dish supper preceded the recent meeting. Hostesses were Mrs. Floyd Strlpple. Mrs. Fred Zelt ler, Mrs.

Robert Tompkins and Mrs. Wesley Tompkins. Other guild members attending Included Mrs. Walter Landman, Mrs. William Strlpple, Mrs.

Thomas Thorne, Mrs. James Raymond, Mrs. Lewis Schiller and Mrs. Walter Murray. TIORONDA GARDEN club membcrt met Wednesday at the home of Mrs.

Frank Hughes, Wiccopee. Harold Atwell. euest speaker, told of gardens he has visitea in Europe and the United States. He Illustrated his talk with slides, Mrs Gordon Wilson in troduced Mr. Atwell.

Final plans for the fall flower show were completed at th; business meeting preceding the talk. Dover Unit Plans Rally Night Sept. 22 DOVER PLAINS Dover Plains Home Demonstration ilhit met at the Legion home in Mill street recently, with Chairman Mrs Smith Hughes presiding. Tentative plans were made for the annual Rally night Sept 22 when all members are re quested to take a prospective member with them. The final lesson In sewing screens, given by Mrs.

David weeens is slated at the Legion home tomorrow night. Attending Mr. Frank Raycraft. Mr. Harold Stock, Mrs.

Charlet Savage, Mrs. Elsie Busb. Mrs Thomas Relmer. Mrs. David Weema and Mr.

France Griffith. Nursery School Begun 3 DdyWeeklyat Annandale RED nOOK Annandale Nursery school began operation on Wednesday. Mrt. Ruth Horowitz I direc tor of the school which meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Bilthewood mansion on the Zabriakle estate. Get to gether Home Demon stration unit bad it first meeting of the new season Tuesday it the home 'of Mrs.

Richard Bard. MILAN HOME Demonstration unit met Wednetdav at the home of Mr. Herbert Swank. St. John Reformed church Sunday school open today at 8.43 a.

m. Scudder Missionary tocletv met Sept 3 at the home of Mr. waiaement Deetlen. Forest Pirk. MR.

AND MRS. Harry Gould. Hudson, tpent Wednesday at the home ot Mr. and Mrt. Jamet Baxter.

The Rev. and Mrs. C. Welch of Lodi visited recently with Mr. and Mrs Irving Welch.

Mr. Augustus Velt and famllv icui ii ounoay on Alt. bea con. Mr. and Mr.

William Pulver nave reiurnea borne after spending some time In New nampsnire visiting their son, MR. AND MRS. William Cow big have bought a new cottage uit rdciliu laae in inn Anirnn. dack. Mr.

and Mrt. John Wlh visited their son and daughter in iaw, mr. ana Mr. Kenneth Walsh and family in Elmont, 44. J.

Mr. and Mr: Stephen Jerritt uaraen city, spent last weeaena at me Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Smith.

They took home with them their grandchildren. Robert and Linda, who spent three week with their grandparent. day. Susan returned to her home her last week after tpepding a few Wests vislUaj It Rhinebeck Personals Miss Linda Lloyd, a Junior at Bryn Mawr college In Pennsyl vania, has gone to Madrid, Spain, where the will attend Smith College Institute thlt year. Miss Lloyd, who tailed on the S.

Flandre from New i ore uty tne diugnter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Lloyd, East Market street Mr. and Mr.

John T. Ue. Comb. Bjrcowood avenue, ar tne parent ot a daughter. Tarn ara Lee.

born at Northern Dutches nealth' center recently. MR. AND MRS, Paul Znetmer 'Ffa 3 A JIV. her cousin. Donna Williamson.

In Pleasant Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clinton Corners, visited his brother. Louis.

In Wlncdala last Sunday. Clinton Judson observed Us uruoar Tuctdar. rt 1 and sons, of Rochester, Minri, will move into the house belonging to the Rhinebeck Cemetery association In Mill ttr "iiuuci a nit ivirw IBM employed attYorktown Heights" Millerton Pergonals Mrs. Stella WlUaon and Mrs. Howard Swart were shoppers In Poughkeepsle Wednesday.

Mrs Elnora Allen, who 1 spending a few weeks In Florida, Is ill with nneumonla at Palm Beach General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. Everett Kim ball have returned home from Canada.

Miss Genevieve Baldwin has returned to Rockville Centre ifter spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pulver. Mrs. Stella Willson.

district deputy of the Rebekah lodge. Mrs. AiaDei swart, Mrscora Kimball and Mrs. Eva Lawrence attended the official visit of the assembly president at the Hotel Van Cuyfer in Schenectady Wednesday night They returned home Thursday afternoon. i Clambake Condqcted At Fishkill Residence FISHKILL Supper club had clambake at the home ot Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Schofleld Sept Attending were Mr, and Mrs. George Dotzer. Mr. and Mr.

Elton Schofleld, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gay, Mrs. William Lang, Mrs. A.

Robinson, Miss Minnie Warren and Mr. Elwood Roger. Mr. and Mr. Reese Peck recently returned from a vacation at Pleasant Mount, Pa.

GUESTS AT the home ot Mr. and Mr. Charle Allison over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dellse.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krass and sons Fred and Edward, and dauahter. Joan, and Miss Mary Lynch. the Bronxr Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Delise and slaughter Linda. Wsppingers Falls, also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamond and ibn, Robert, and Mrs, Ethel Schreck, Jt A 1 IBM.

Mrs. Ttuth Umler. New York City, spent the tabor dy weekend her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lanier and family, Mul berry street MRS.

CORDON Wheeler hat returned to her home Albany Pott road from the hospital In Hudson where "she underwent luTgery. Mr. and Mrs; Maxwell a Knapp took a trio recehtiv Houston, Tex, where they visited their son. Willsce. who It an exploration engineer with Shell Ull LTfiT I I MRS.

JOHN 'BOWMAN hu I Guests at th hnma nf Mr. Mrs. Edward Dellse last; weekend were Mr, and Mrs. Mark Campbell, Crotn on the and Mrs Frank Dellse and inns as and Richard, the Bronx. V.

i A been" on vacation, from duties a it Ethan Coon and Co, Miss Cathy Swatton has returned home after visiting herv u. airs, unarie BecUcy, ai Packanack lake. New Jersey. Cathy is the daughter of Mr. ind Mrs.

John Swatton. Mill 'r Mrs. Eugene OUverlu has returned to her at the Aston Borne for Boy after a vacation. A 1.

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