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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 8
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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 8

Poughkeepsie, New York
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vw 'TtrjWtt 'f IlityWfiNfW" fAHE nrotrr POUQHKEEPSIE EAGLE I WEDNESDAY, ran .1 TMv HI .1 VICINITY NEWS UPPER RED HOOK GOAL SHORTAGE CLOSES CHURCH Reformed Congregation at Upfrer Hook tor Leaves for Up state. (Special (a The Esgle News) Upper Red Ifook, Feb. 0. Because of the coal shortage, la brine acutely felt Inlhla vicinity the Reformed Church ha suspended eervlcea. The Rev.

CV pastor of the church, and "on uo' atata for a fortnlf ht'a vlalt. Servlcee will be resumed whan tha fual altuatlon Jmprovee and when tha rosda are rain passable. Personal and fiorlal Noieei John Teator la apendlng an Indefinite visit In Plttarield. Hlatortcal Club met at the home Of Mra. Kara Cooklngham on Friday.

Mr. Edmund Ixwee spent the put week with her parents, Mr. and Mra. V. a Teator.

Mr. and Mr. Ralph Moora entertained a number of their frlenda at fire hundred Friday. Mr. and Mra.

George Dennerly and Mr. and Mra, Lester, Denerly apant Sunday wltnr.JMr. and Mra. Myron Seism. I Oeorge Cluti and Ralph Moore were In Madalln Friday.

Irvine; Miller ahotra fox recently. few frlenda fathered to help Kvelyn Btalt celebrate her birthday Friday evening, Jamea McRanxIa has returned home after visiting frlenda In Cohoea. Mr, and Mf i. Edward Coon, of lied Hook. are vtailni tha'Uttar'a parents, Ed.

AbrUl and family, Mr. and Ed. Com entertained Dr. and Mra. Smith.

Mr. and Mra. Abraham Becker, Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Clum.

Mra. Knickerbocker and mother, Raymond Brenael and Mr. and Mra. Fred Clarke lait Tueaday evening. Claude, Tlorsnce and Clifford Tea tor of Red Hook epent Thuraday with their aleter, Mra.

Alton Teator. Herbert Pott has teen In keapale on Jury duty for a few daye. Arthur TraTer, apant Wdneday In Poughkeepeste. Mr. and Mra.

Ed. Couaa attended the auction at John Brnlth'e Friday. SILVERNAILS C.N.E. WORKERS GUT ICE AT SILVERNAILS (Kpeclsl to Tha Eagle News) Ml vernal), N. Feb.

20. Th Central New Englsnd Railroad Com mdv flnlahe.1 harvesting Ira at tha Ice Bund leannuy. M. J. varie anif J.

Knickerbocker, who with Ihelr team'a had teen scraping the ice to make read.KXotlh.JiarveaUng af 1U. enaea ineir worn eiunraay. RHINEBEOK VILLAGE CAUCUS DATE DECIDED Nominations to Be Made NextJTuesday for An nual Election of Offi PLEASANT VALLEY H. C. LAWRENCE BUYS RESIDENCE TO BE SPEAKER Will Take Possession of Dwelling Bought of Mrs.

Storms on' May 1 Snow Buries Valley. (Special to The Eagl Nwi) (Special to Tha Eagle News) lV, I Mr and Alv.h Moore a r. i.k i.ti.,.. caucui will be held at the v.n. iTown Hall on Tueaday evenlnc, Feb The Rev P.

W. Hemenw.y apent 7 i .1,1 'o be ele6ted Tueaday. March SO. A few day the flewt part of last week in New Tork City, and la the (ueat thla week of rrlatlvea at Slmabury, Conn CLOVE fSpeclal to The Eagle News) Mlaa Addle Davl la spending aome time In Pourhkeepaie. Mlaa Raamuaaen will aoon leave for Denmark.

Mr, and lira. Elwin Kenyon hare 1 returned to their home, after apendlng aome time In Rhode laland. Mr." Walter Roee made a builneaa trip town en Friday Uat. Mlaa Margaret Cutler and brother John apent Bunlay at home In Clove. Mr.

Neal Clark and D. B. Cooper are apendlnr a few diye In Hew York City. An Englleh eclanttat predlcta the early perfection of a machine that Will be able to print aounde. Tha apparatua will be a croaa between a dletatlng machine and a linotype machine, and IU aucceaa will depend up en the fact that every letter haa a different wave form.

NORTH CLOVE GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIAL FOR CHURCH PLANNEO (8peclat to The Eagle News) aKOORAPIUCAL Lead Clove North Clove, N. Feb. 20. A geographical aocial will he held at the home of Mr. and Mra Calvin dray on Tueaday evening, February ZI.

Pro ceeda will be given to the Chrietlan Church. An Interesting and amualng program la promlaed. All regret to hear of the Ulneaa of Mra. John Ham: alao of the little daughter Freda, who la In St Fran cia hospital for treatment of mastold Itla. Mr.

and. Mra William Coe. who have been apendlng aome time with their daughter, Mra. White, returned home, Wednesday evening. The many frlenda of Mra.

Clifford Brulelgh are glad to know aha la at home again from Sad Her a Hospital where ahe recently underwent an operation. All hope for her complete recovery. Mra. Chartee Van Wyck. Mra.

Fred Dennla and Mlaa Barah Duncan hare been afflicted with sever, caaaa of pink eye, while many othere have hat It in a milder form. I Mr. and Mra; Walter Roae, and Mr. and Mra Fred Dennla apent Wed nee day evening with Mr. and Mra.

Oeorge Wile. Mra. Frank Millard la again supply lng Clove achool. aa teacher. In the abaence of Mlaa Blanche Ham.

Union Val, Orange, had a very entertaining Lecturer's hour, at their laat meeting, when the men furnish ed the program. At the next meeting, the lad lea will furnlah the program and, hop to outdo the gentlemen. Frlenda In thla place, hear frequently from Mr. and Mra. D.

V. Knapp. who are apendlng the wnlter In Peek skill. Aalde from a recent attack of the grippe, they are paaalng an enjoyable winter. Mlaa Addle Davie la still stopping In Foughkeepale with frlenda.

A total of Ili.Olt.llttl haa been donated In the laat ten yeara for mis alonary and benevolent work by the Dlaclplea of Christ (Christian Church) It was announced at headquarters of the United Christian Missionary So ciety, In 8t. Louts. Thla repreaenta gain of lfl per cent for the ten year period. It waa aald. Seventy four new foreign mlaalonariea were aent out In 1IJ1 and 1122, the an nouncement added.

president, two trustees, a collector And three assessors are to be All will aerve for one year. Charles It. Traver hae aold hla farm to Manaen Sharp and son, Roland Sharp. Mr. Traver will mote to Rhlnebeck village.

Mra. Jamea Newman who has been very 111 at her home on Cheanut 81 la much Improved Mr James New man haa also been III and they are much Improved Mra Agera borg haa been taking care ef them, Mrs. Ida Traver la 111 at the home of Iver daughter. Mrs. Alrsh Bishop, on Violet Avenue.

Mlaa Ella Van Wagner waa con fined to her home with the grippe, the past week. 8. 8. Oullfoll of Newburgh apent a few days with hli mother on Centre Street, the pant week. Mlas Margaret Sutton, former Sup erintendent of Holiday Farm left town, Friday for her home at Zannei vllle, Ohio.

Miss B. Freer, of Liberty. Is caring for Mn Oullfoll on Centre St. Starr Institute Movies, Wedneeday evening. "The Iound of Baskervllles.

Norman coRe Jepncoti spent rn dar In Utlca. Tracy Dows Is apendlng two weeke at Hot Springe. Virginia. Merrltt Oullfoll. of Brooklyn apent aevera days In thla village me past week.

Mr. and Mra. Frank Herrlck are at Southern Pines. North Carolina. Ralph Snyder apent aeveral daya In New York City tha paat week.

Mrs. Roy C. Bailey and cmidren have returned alter ependlng aome time with her alater at Hartford Ct. Mlaa Mary O'Br en or New yorg City la at her In thla village taking care of ner ratner wno la ill. Mra.

Harry Oermond and daughter have returned home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Oraon Burger. Lee Van Vradenburgh has accepted thhe poeltlon aa manager of the Glove Orocery Store, to open Ihls week In the Odd Fellows Building and Jamea Tator will be one pf hla aesletants. The third organ recital of a special aerlea waa held at Ihe Church of the Messiah, by Norman Coke Jephcoit.

aaslsted by Balwin Allen, baritone of New Tork Following la the program Fuge In minor Bach Mallorca. Barcarolle Albenls It la enough (Ellah) Mendelaiohn Mr. Allen Allegro ma non presto (Concert No 1 Handel Oavotta (Concerto In minor Camldlta Abide With Me Anhford Mr. Allen Song of Sunshine ITnllina Schn.o In Minor FeJerlein in M.r l. after which Mr.

and Mra. Il.alrd will occupy an apartment In the J. Wi Conover hou in Mam Street. Twenty anowalorma have thue far ben recorded by Wellngton Hall, local weather obaervor. who alao atatea that 7 more are to follow before winter la finally over.

Mra. Thomas E. Cross of LaOrange vllle waa a guest Wednesday of Mra. B. M.

Fowler and daughter In Main street'. O. E. Arnold, bookkeper at the W. Ritchie Corp.

la again about and able to be at hla deek following an at. tack of the grip of two weeke oura tlnn. DotyUtiloaded another car of coal Tueaday. Mr. Doty la to be congratulated In ao aucceaafully filling hi.

nrrfera and keeping the moat of the realdenta here aupplled with ample coal during the peat few weeke for Ihelr atovea ana lurnacea. Mr and Mra Thomas Jordsn are both confined to Vaaaar hoapltal In Poughkeepal. suffering from pneu monia Dr. J. Becker has been appointed visiting phyalclan at St.

Francis Foughkeepale and will open an office In that city nl conjunction with hla office here Mra A. Clapp and Mra. E. Ilueted scent Tueaday at Salt Point Mliere they were guesta of relatives. A Skldmore purchased through the Hewlett agency of Ed.

Smith the Jamea Kenwell farm eaat of thla vil lage on the Mlllbrook atate roaa; air. Skldmor, will occupy It with hla family after April 1st. Mr and Mra. M. L.

Kaeble proprietor of Inn" are apendlng a vacation of aeveral weeka with frlenda In New York City. How I would apend my community" will be the topic at the E. of the Presbyterian church at even o'clock Sunday evening, February llth. Mra. a.

E. Pulta. vlllag, collector, haa had her accounta audited and haa been able to collect from all but four taxpayera which have been turned over to the Treaaurer for hla attention. A amall automobile driven by a atorage battery 'haa been perfected In Germany French Guarci Railroads and Patrols Rivers in Ruhr Invasion fnmsrffimsflgaw 'iv 'vw kM B'MH wV" XB 111 fy JlL'nL'' vjjlf Ni aVM laJJSoa Wela a a a a a BaHHalalalalalalaA lalllllIBgitBwwf Mf9 mlKfwttfKSSTi MTtA etawawawHHawawawawawl elBwawawawawawawawawawaTBwaawawawawPllfE Wl wS awPawLV amJawawTwamLaiawa awaQ 9awM tP frjiHilBr I llal HKllaaaU BBBBBBaaalBBBB9HiwBaV fti sl k. IJaaaaaaSalLssJaaaWawa55ffJBB DRUM ELBOW REV.

J. J. HENRY Pastor of Trinity to Address Hyde Park Com munity Club on Friday Evening. (Special to The Eagle News) Ouvn Elbow, Feb. 10.

The Rev. J. J. Henry, pastor or Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church will betll.ipeaker evening at an open meeting which the Hyde Park Community Club will hold In the Reformed Pleasant Valley, N. F.

20 llerh.rt lawrnr of the firm of R. Ihe evening at an from Mary A. Btorma the residence In 'Ai th nccunled by Mr. and Mra. It.

C. l.elrd. IIejwllLAaknoeeMloAUjUriULJapal jU elht 'clokr FrW with most modern fmtg w. h. will act as hoetess, assisted by Mra C.

Allen Baker. Mra. James Devlne, and Mrs. Ralph Worden. Granges to Meet Chapel Cornera Orange will meet on Monday evening, February 28, taking the toplo of "Washington." Mr.

and Mra. Horn will be the lead ers. On Tueaday night, February 27. Pleasant Valley Orange hold a past masters' night. Their past mas ters have been Oeorge tt, Burhans, Davis Brlgga.

Mr. O. Davla, Lu man Traver, Oeorge C. Dorfaldeon, Edward R. Van Wagner, B.

Van Wagner, J. C. Roasway, Charles L. ColeJ Cj Kendall Horton. Bmlth J.

Marshall Isaao Noxon, Edgar Brlgga and Charles E. Ityde Park Orange will hold a regular meeting on the same evening. Personal Nrwe Mlas Mafy Reed la 111 and unable to euena ner ciaasea in toe I'ougnaeep, aa) High B.ehool. John Batea, who waa taken lit be. fore Chrlatmaa, la better, and up and around again.

He will celebrate hla 77th. birthday tomorrow, Ab Coapman, Ed Brlgga, John' Bennett, Ed Van Wagner, and Wil liam Lawrence i have been drawing aome O. L. F. feed from Van Wag ner'e Station coming through the araiifSTgeney.

machinery it would take IS year to alnk a ahaft 10 mllea deep. Rhinebeck Discusses County Road Problem The problem of securing more Improved highway fdr the village was discussed at a'meetlng of the Buslneas BOY BADLY HURT IN BEACON fiLA Kerr, stove Explode, Foar yearldEy. Aid FlngrryAre Gone X. Fob, Fatlla. 4.

i. tfi MlghliiinSlS? here In crIUcal condltlonTa, ii eixpioeion of a In the Fatlla hora The youngster'a left eye was il out. Two of the flngir. iJV? hand were ao badly Injured i'Z neceasary to amputate Uiam. thought that the bey wht near the stove.

oneeie4 f. Jiavt been poured In which ternS a gas. The explosion threw tt. lw Dnvaa aoroa the room. a Iron atiuckithaziw.Jr?;' .4 ere.

Men' Association of Rhlnebeck 1 meeting: tn stsj Tmm evening. Oeorg. Kileier county engineer, waa tha prliehj apeaker. Mr. Krleger otlitt2 work now being accompllahad briZ highway1 deoartment through the fvil! and pointed to the good avers, n.

county ha been able to malntali the paat In obtaining Improved Construction by the atate of sevwu hlghwaya leading to tha vltlsr. a sought by the Business Men' ilT BANOALL STANFORD MOTHERS' CLUB HAS MEETING Bad Roads Keep Down: Attendance at Session Held at Residence of Mrs. J. N. Bullis.

(Special to The Eagle Newa) Bangall. X. Feb. 20. The Paren-Teacher Aasoclatlon of Stanford met at the home of Mrs.

N. Bullis on Thursday eTnin. Dr the condition of tne road, tne attendance waa smaller than uaual. The butcher from Halt oini use succeeded In making two trlpa a week through our village in spite or tne bad roads. The funeral or Marie Oatrandar, ho died at Manalon Square Hospital from pneumonia on Sunday laat.

waa held at the home of her parenta. Mr. and Mra Arthur Ostrander on Wed nesday last. Interment at Btanrord ville In charge of undertaker Allen. Mrs.

Fred Karn Is recovering from oneumonla while the rest of the'fam ily are 111 Hh grippe. Mrs Fred Porter baa been at Pul vers Corners for a few days caring for some friends who are III. lira. Walter Moore and family, will move to Stanfordvllla, April l.ln the home now occupied by Samuel Cox. There waa no achool for a couple of daya last week owing to tha Ulneaa of tha teacher.

The Catholic Society held a euchre parly laat week. Mlsa Caven, who haa been assisting Mrs Bullis in csrlng for her husband who la 111. has returned to her home In Poughkeepele Oeorge Mac Donald. Dietrlct Sup erintendent of Poughkepesie, held Ihe laat Quarterly Conference of the M. R.

Church at the parsonage on Thursday lait Charlea LaDue and son of Pin laina have been doing painting and papering for parties here the paat week. See The original Award Winning Suites and odd Pieces on our Floor Our privilege to display them Your privilege to see them Of coarse, it seems strange that really choice furniture can be had at prices with. in reason; that's why hundreds of intelligent men and women who have felt exactly as you do, have come here to learn something about the big national movement that makes it possible to secure approved TRIPLE GUARANTEE models at common sense prices: that's why we are proud to be the Authorized Exhibitors of theia AwardWinning Models. It makes no difference when you expect to need furni ture; you can't afford to miss a single display. Make your first visit now and continue to come to all succeeding' You 're mighty welcome.

fjzr That Spare Room It ran be made to take on a homey warmth, and cheer at a very small riprnee. Tne ASHFOBD mamoled bedroom eulte will lend beamy and cheer to the goeot room. A notable feature la the gracefully curved outline of the aprona of all pteoea, which Idea la again anggeeted at the mirror corners. The design ta distinguished by Ita simple dignity. Four piece, of genuine birch throughout Itnlalted In tlie new eoft Itoaal gray enamel with harmonizing stripes.

Ftill alaed bed, dresser, toilet table and chttToretta, all TRIPIiS; Gl'AItANTKE model available at the atartllngjy low figure of SHt.M. 'A Nest of Convenience The U1LLARD of three tables, with ihelr "bamboo turned" lets, la niefo.1 and decorative. They may be placed conveniently by vsrloas chairs le hold beak or tee cup. Solid gumwood. tencd dull mehoaany.

A TRIPLE GUARANTEE model priced $15.50 Benalh the Lamp The CENOA Davenport Table with ha graceel Italian standards, reflects the rery (lew of year lamp (rem its ahialaf genuine anbeiaoy ply veneer tap and filii tha ream with pleaiant light. A TRIPLE CUARANTEE meoel at IZLSO, Twins lie REVERE pair el twin Wale haa the pepalar Thsdaer Type head and feet and include llac fabrie spring with waves wtre aide guards. All metal) teaed a beautiful mahogany. TRIPLE CUARANTEE models priced IJUO east (Upper photo) French troop on. guard at the entrance ta the railroad nation and jard at Dortmund.

(Lower photo) Oa tha converted French cuRboata, of Ue fleet now pateoiHa the Hahtf. Puaaaeldorfc, i i Traver Farm Sold to Mansion Sharp The Charles It. Trarer farm of It acre In Rhlnebeck haa been aold for 110.09a fq Mansion Sharp and hla eon, ItoUnd. The tra niter waa mad through the agency of Leslie E. Batea.

Mr. Batea has also sold the farm of Walter Evans, near Enterprise. A big demand for reasonably farm pro. pertlea la being esperlenced In the vicinity of Rhlnebeck, First distinctive life boat wee de sighed by Lionel Lukin, an English coach builder In 1TI. riana are under way aboilah the electoral celleg.

but this would faculty i ST ngKrTOgl 8 a7 IWtfqrtflflft Ell'l inUatiC4M31 Sonny 'printer Morning Year nAUILTOrf Deverrpert Tahl tha center a unlit reeas, adds te the warasth and cheer. Cenaina auheay i. ply voaeer top sepported by Mardy nexaieaal A TRIPLE CUARANTEE medal and real ep wtaait at ttl 25. Sunday Afternoon Tea The HOSTESS Table Cart fer tea heere a crecUiag ire la via tar er en the perch la aamaur. It drep leaves when spread lena sd alaed uble.

Teaed brewa msheisay. A TRIPLE CUARAN. TEE model priced at IUJ0. VUiUng by rTro The AHDSLEY Telsphea Set, aiaaed fee praetleal caavealeace, hat a ehelf fer pheae beea. Up fee pad aad elbow rest, also a ppeariaa heath.

Teaed brewa TRIPLE CUAR, TLK medal ariee4 at IlLli. G. Schlude's Sons 148 150 152 MAIN ST. TOUGHKEEPSIE laa. V( eV.

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