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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 1
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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 1

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR) HJiii BIM ilWillilhiPilii.JA'.iM.aiil tiJfcrf'a 1 jinTtv1, i 4 5f ir V.W. v. 'ga Monday Morning; pctobr 2 Ui1929T V. SiPHlQVES $mm AFTER OHOLPPjAJH OfflSHAPis 1EADT0CHASE; HANARRESTED jyji Crash Results In Slight Injuries loSeven HVE IN HOSPITAL Tiro Cars Job Pursuit mich Comes to End Near Golf Gab Dr. Pobne Resigns z.

Church Pastorate sswaxsi HHI r.5 saawawswswswaai MK '''awswswswswswsws1 wWMMr ''geslsvsvsvsvaKwa tn4 Acktrman rmonStt to and upon rvachlnic th BOn rouna Deputy Uffln In rhftrse Tbt Injured had alraiy been rtmdrtd to It hoipliala. Traffic op qalc tj and all dtputlen wtr buy to hall hour alralchtrntnf out th Unili. Tho wrecked can were laalhjr towed "awar. Mianwhlla Deputy lAffln brout all prisoner to the ahertfTa oflBca. Iha aherllt'i crew then dlalOTtfaa a foil gallon Juk of "appla1 and ona Iroken Juk near the Oaalnlnf eart and were Informed later that Juie were thrown out by tna 0 eupanti whan they wera atqppadl.

Hherift nocketeller ordere tha eaf towed to theaherlffa ffflce. There Phf a waa art alcneol before Juitlre of the Peace Jeaa Atklha and he aet ball at $100 pendlnt a hearlnK at ten o'clock thl rnornln. Krank M. Doran, ataUon matter for th New Tork Central, furntehed lall for Shea who alio la a raltroai employee. Meanwhile Parker went to police headquarter? and told Lieutenant Phelpi he wlahed to make chartee leavlnt the ecene of an accident talnit Shea.

He waa Anally la auaded hy rrrcy fieorre Etentlford after the htter had alyen him written agreement, to before Retire Atklna, aaaurlna 'Mm be wouJl ray the damagea to Parker'a ear. Shea Intimated he would "Mead ITllty to the charre of drlrln with" a llcenae He admitted ha had permu. nut aald that Stenttford. a Mcenaed delvee. ViaMina New Tork, Oct.

tOim Th reelanatlon of Dr. Daniel A. Pollnc from the paatorate of tho Marble Collegiate Church to 'devote hlmaelf to the cauae of youth, to that of world peace, and to other Intereata, weja announced today. Dr. Pollna la vrealdert of the In ternational and World' ChrlaUan EndeaTor Union, editor In chief of the Chrlatlan Herald, leader and apeaker of the National Toutho Itadlo conference, preeldent of the fieharar of the Reformed Church In America andaT'dlrectorf ot the J.

C. Tenney Foundation. hZLni penaone wereTIKJureJl "and tae arrmted aa the reeult of a automobile accident heer the BUicult Company, a aab at ehaae for one of the ear elwCaiid a aecond major accident the iouth Road Juat north of the Oolf Club early laattwicht. The ae a accident waaa.dtrect.iaault.oi thellnt about :15 o'clock a car owned Vn. Clara stentlford of jrtnn hy Mortimer Shea of Mtnc Btreet.

Oealnlnc, clipped the Mr of a car drWen by Ererett C. ptrker of Ihla city. After a heated eettte. hta drova on and after a few nlnutee Oeorfe Woodln who learea nearby, chaee. Ha went at far ae Flahkin where he notified cute troopere.

Meanwhile Floydj; Adama of thla dt aleo entered Into tho chaee and la, too, waa clipped by the Oeelnl near. He finally etopped the car which drove Into a drlwaway on the loota Road. Adama, too, droro hla off the hlahway and then notl SSurw iaa under trrcc lor QTiTinvi wV vtthont a UcfiuM. ultmi out of tho drlTTyi tha aama time a Haah aadan drlmbr Frank JS. ESHa.

of.tltx awlud Bronx, earn eraO, ul a Chevrolet eeden drlvaa i. tcarrcam ortl. Tha Kaah, tt attend, veered to iho left eacape the cat comlnr out of tho drtrmy and In eo tfoln atruck the ChtrroUt, Injarlnf aeveral of Ita oo 'cepanta Gerald Terpenntnr. Mra. RoaO Terpanrtw.

Alma Leo Terpen nlnf. J. Vra. A. Sauhdera, tl.

Lula Bellht; 41. all of Ul Church Street, were cot and brutaed and wero taktn to Vaaaar HoaplUt for treatment. All were then dlacharired. Mr. Miss'Lane DefeitsMissGauss To Capture'Title at Golf Club Local Resident Wins Women' Championship By 5 Up and 3 To Play in Excibng Match from Vaiwar College Student Mlae Barbara Lane won tho women' champlonehlp of the Duteheee Oolf and Country Club when aho defeated illae Hlldeaardo Oauaa, Vaaaar artudent and ouallfylnc round medallet, by.

a ocore of I up and 1 to play In a lntereaUna match yeeUrdar afUrnoon." nrat playlnr before a nod alio arallarr and under the cloudleaa aky of a beautiful Indian rummer the two rlrla matched ehote for the honor of wlnnlnr the flfat cham. plonahlp tournament of ladle held at the local dub In ten yeare. Althouah' Xreouertly outdrlran from, the too by the 'Vaaaar Ctrl. I lea Jane played ataadf jwune lu i) ueins aooia juaamena ana, vw ln partlcuUrly effecUre with ha? approachlnc and puttlnc. Both rtrla lUrted from the'flrat tea with lone drttee and were well over the croea ditch In two Viae Oauaa pulled her third to the loft of the rreen.whlleMlea Lane waa luat the edae Jf Iha.

rreea Jn J. Both were on tho sreen with their fourth ehota and. Hleo.Lan went down In the regulation two putta while Mlaa Oauaa required 'four. Mlea Lane, 1 up. Via Lane allced her tea ahot Into a dump of treat while Mlaa Oauar drive waa etralrhf but ehort.

The Vaaaar Ctrl recovered well, almoat reachlnr the rreen with her Mlaa Lane need up three ahote comlnr out of the troea and rout and thro more In reachlnr the green, going down In eight. Mlaa Oauaa waa on In three and down In fire, equating the; match. ACCIPENT VICTIMS fanned la (Trull Jut SontlT vOf Hyded Park on Saaitj Frank Doraey. I J. of IT Aandolph Avenue and Mlaa Svalyn' Strain: II, er.ll'Oreecaet Road, Who wera in lurucr "1trTHi" antomobno neciaent aouth of Hyde l'ark early Bunday morning, are much Improved at St.

FTancI Hoapljtal according to port made by a nuraa laat night Both are conacloua and are ahowlng continued Improvement. Tho exact extent of the gtrl'a Injurlee will be determined today by ray photo graphe. Doraey hae a fractured right arm, a eevere laceration of the forehead, affmnfWwW ihalttn tiD and hrultcd. hwavm wirarTeBmirieri to her head. awll IBW l' aaaaaaaal iillLgalaaa.

ataataaW iSOl'" jBS gHlilililililH vx kiUtt P9ieW I oaaBBBBBwP'v aKZjLwai' fxeHTlJt aVatawalwH lw.a fTeweH I Jj. TiwHI KISfi BARBARA IAXf. HOOVER STARTS Even ea Third Ulaa Oauaa pulled, her third) tee ahot and caught the rough on the left, Mlaa Lane'e drive waa long and down the middle of the fairway. Both played their. aacond.

ehota ehort iif tho aajM trtpe' 'anardJi'tlia green. The Vaaaar glrl'a third Uot rolled over the green but aharecov area oeauuruuy. ana eana ner putt for1'e1wrnvrWaaU'MHIeys'' a pretty approach, ahot tnfaaaaa a bid for a btrdle but tntaaed and (bad to content with' par The fiuuh waa etlH Both glrla bad Icaglahota oft the fourth i tee althourh 'Mraa aaoaa vound.up.ln.Oha rough on Jha JlgUt while Mlaa Lane'e waa atralght down the middle. MVaa" Oauaa played hr aecond abort of, the aand trap 'while Ulaa Lane boldly played over the trapa and almoat reached the green with her aecond. The Vaaaar girl again waa over the green with, her third 'while Ulaa Lane again" approached brilliantly, her.

ball atopplng about four feet from the hole. Ulaa Oauea eenlc a pretty, putt for a par five but thla ON DETROIT TRIP Plans To Pav Tribute io Crtiuoa loaay peiOCONTINUE )). Lists Three; Addresses During His Tour afurnoon but according tho and that he took th wtl wir to ptU'. 'WBHRF. OF EDISON TO BE BROADCAST Vnrk, Oct.

(Frha Broadcaetlng Company to Wl "unpriced final arrangementa will enable radio ll.tenere tn 'ountrlee to hear cer.monlea night at DeerWn, Mich. ratm, th. JuW, Edlaon'. Inv.otlon of the "rtr(o light. wtiona road, which Will deUve.

'the dCBl iiaienere in tna aTr i ,1 x. ytxi W4a.l1. Wttaouri WQR. nitft.lA HocheaUr and KDKA. Strain Buffered Injurlee to her head.

a poaalhla concuaalon of tbe brain, and Injurlee about. the body. Whether or not adie ban internal Injurlee will be determined today, i She' regained eonaclouaneae early yeeterday and according to her nuraa la much better. a The detatla of the accident have not been fully learned here. Doraey waa returning to thla city from Rhlnebeck and according to hke etory waa forced oft the highway.

Hla ear waa found overturned by a atate trooper. In a ditch. Trace of any ether car waa not found. FAMOUS HORSEMAN IS TAKEN BY DEATH New Tork, Oct. SO (M Mara Caaaldy, famoua atarter of horae racee and one of the moat'plcture que tlgurea of the American turf, died todayr He waa 17 yeara old, Caaaldy waa atrlckan 111 a week ago at the cloaa of the Jamaica rating Death waa cauaed by abceaaea of the atomach and kidney trouble.

He la kurvtved by three eooe, Wendell, Mar. hall and Oeorfe. Funeral aervlcee will be held Tuea dayc Mare Caaaldy waa born at Edgar. ton, Md, In the heart of the racing country and apent hla whole, life among During hie Ufa ha atarted nearly 100.000 racee at nearly every track In the United Btatea. He aucceed Edward Flt garald" for life Jockey Club, ruling body In Hew Tork, IS yeare ago and held the poet until hie death.

When he eollapaed laat week be waa preparing to continue hla dutlea at the Empire City track. up In auroundlnge where horeea were the principal Intere.t, young Marehal Caaaldy early turned bla attention to tboroughbrede lt4 13 yeatfj flret race at Alexandria, Ya. Ha wen' to Bennlnga, near Waahlngton, a track now out of eilatence, and later became, aaagclate.d with Jamee Fttg Slmmona, now trainer Wheatley atablea. In 1IH be came to New Tork and received an aaalgnment at the Ae ueduct track which marked the beginning of1 hla unlnterrupt'd eer the jockey cluba of thla Country. A year ago hie youngeet iiaeil mi an wHaKeA ia aa.iareaa eaw New Terk, Mr "e'fl" IMWWl' 'I I l.

I in mi The veteran Caaaldy la to be. the. flret to have aubatltuted a barrier for the "aak and anawej and aha aank her putt (Or a btrdle becoming 1 up thereby. sOn 4he long flf tnt hole lie Lane'e drive waa well hit but. bit too far to the right, winding up In the rough.

Mlea Oauaa had a raw atralght drive with considerable roll. She. followed thla with two creaming braaale ahota, atralght down the fairway, almoat reaching the green with her third. Mlaa Lane came out of the rough on the right and rolled clear acroaa the fairway Into the rough on the left. She recovered however, playing a nice' Iron ahot trom.a mean hanging He and waa well on the green with fourth ahot.

Here Mlae Oauae had the mtefortune of again hitting her apporach a little too hard and the ball Juat, trickled the far end of the green and down a ateep bank. Thawaa tlve hole the Vaaaar girl overran the green and It coat her the hole for Mlaa' ILane holed out with a par alx to become two up. (Continued, oa Page It) SPECIAL MEETING CALLED No Oct, JO A call for a pectal meeting of the Heuaa of Blahopa of the Eplacopel Church ror me election a preeicHng oun op to auoceed tae late Bt. Rev. John Gardner Murray waa leaued today by the Rt.

Rev. William A. Leonard b1shopofOhlo andjaenlor blahop of the churoaV The meeting will be held In Waahlngton, Nor. II. rATROLMAN DIES OF WOUND T0PS117TOTAI Record Last Day Brings Figure to 13,567 For Whoje City WO WRDS DOWN Eighth Compares Beit With 1928 Showing Only 26 Fewer Uuirfori 2 1 Jump ed to ll.MT Saturday when l.ill votera went to the poll.

The year'e record turnout brought the total to To mora than the reglatratlon of two yeara ago, and prided ear that tbu yeare reu tatratlon would be lighter man HH. The third and fifth warda were the only onea to fall below their HIT turnouta, but tbe dlacrepanclee wero almaat negligible. The elrhth ward reglatered a total of lie votea of Ita maximum tSI. The total 'thla year wae almoat 1,000 leea than that of a year ago but the unprecedented reglatratlon In 1111 waa brought about becauae It waa presidential year. Following are tbe reglatratlon figurea: eia ioca iwai 7 Bay.

ltt 1M, TIrat tnatrtct 10 1 4IT 441 Second Enetrkt Ill 4T 40 til 111 SECOND WARD JTlrat JHu lct: eIIf 41ti44 wee tortus 'mi Flrat Dlatrlct 1H 411 441 Second Cietrlct 1 II lit 141 Third Dlrtrlct Ill 114 til DRUNKEN Jotei Fazzio Is Held LPORW Sl Rockefeller Declares It Must Cease at Once WassaicJabgPjcs Of Too Much Rum Aatopsy Fails To Show Any Poison Liquor One man la dead of aetata alcohol lam 'ahoTellhrinliriarrTinder arreat aa the reeult of a drinking bout among the workere of the Waaaalc Bute School Jlob Friday night Saturday1 morning. The dead man la Herbert Longboat" smith. 41, of hipped to bla homelaarnTgECBU of tboaa under arreat were picked up Saturday morning one other, waa arreated Saturday night, and the eighth yeeterday afternoon. Thoee arreeted who are being held In the county jail are George Boland, tl, of Columbua, 8, OH' llo Oararlllo, 4T, of Albany, Ooorge Doherty, 10, Vorcheater, Maaaj Jamea Lenner, 40, Beaton, Patrick O'Conor, II, Boaton, William Stuart, IT, Brooklyn, Hugh O'Neill, ,10, Brooklyn, Patrick Mannlng.41. Boa.

ton, and Wllllam Oreen, II, Boaton. All charged with dleorderly conduct and dtaturblng the peace. An Inveatigatlxn by a party of deputy eherlffa.under the direction of Sheriff Rockefeller Under aberlee cloaa reaulted In the aelaure yeeterday of two bottlea of "aplltaT the liquor that cauae Smith's death. IIbegW4IxidlItteTiwtv unuance of the Inquiry. An.autepey performed at tbe Oatfovk Prnautl Cooxf FtrXhipcmg'Tarka IVaahlngtoa, M.

Vn The outlook tor Thankertrlng turkey wae pronounced bright to day by economlata of the Depart ment of Agriculture. Eatlmatee placed Uile yeara crop: at. nine per cent larger than a yr ago. The Increaie, It waa reported, though general throughout the turkey producing atatea largeet In the eastern and southeastern atatea where the crop "baa been email In recent years. i i fk Water Is Still On Roosa Ruins GARAGEDESTROYED City Fire Chief Thanks Oukide Helpers Aboard Freaiaant Hoorrr'a train ea route to Detroit, Ote.

4f) Bound "on mlaalon to amphaalae American, achievement and domestic development, Preeldent Hoover was traveling Into the Middle Weet to nlghlVen the first long trip since he look office. Tomorrow night at Dearborn, he will" nay a' trlbuta to Thomas Edison, and American Inventive genlua aa part of the fiftieth annl vStwrrraTaonsrravsv lneandeecent electrlo lamp. Tuesday and Wednesday at Cincinnati and Louisville, the Prealdent will atteet to the 4rograas made in the building up of the nation's Inland waterway ay at em by the completion of canalisation of the Ohio River from Pittsburgh, to. Cairo, Illinois, providing an open route' for movement of the products of a rich territory to the Oulf of Mexico. Accompanied by Mrs.

Hoover, Secretary Good and a large party of White House offlclale and newe paper correepondenta, the Prealdent left Waahlngton late ils afternoon for th overnight run to Detroit. Before attending the Edlaon ceremonies, he 'will be welcomed to the city and 'to Michigan' by Mayor Lodge and Oovernor Green at a public reception In the plasa. In the Michigan metropolis he will be the guest of Mr. and Mra. Henry Ford.

Of the Freeldenfe three ipeechee, that to be made at Loulavllle Wednesday night haa boon awaited with the keeneat lntereet from the viewpoint of general publlo lntereet aa It haa been announced that be discuss' the progress and future possibilities Inland waterway development. This development hae been In slow progreea for many yeara and haa been a question of vital econo mlo lnterest torarlarge share of the country tylnsv, between the two coaata. Perhaps vthe moot Interesting phaae of the weatern trip will be a voyage down the Ohio River from Cincinnati to Loulevlll on a river steamer. torn III III! HIT 'WARlr Second Dlatrlct 110 III III Third Dlatrlct III 141 lis mi mi FIFTH WARD First Dlatrlct Ill 411 III Second Dlatrlct 14 141 Third Dlitrlct Ill 4T1 IIS 1114 till SIXTH WARD Flrat District Ill III Ml eoi4tsrtet i Third Dlatrlct Ill III III itiiinnm SEVENTH WARD (Special to The Eagle Newa) Beacotv Oct. 10 One stream of vater waa stlM being played today on tbe ruins of the Rooea, Furniture tore fir which early Saturday morning threatened' the city with possible destruction.

V' A' check up today revealed that damage of 1110,009 had been done. The Roeea rurnHurst more' and the OlUnd Hotel Oarage were In utter ruin. Tho Fellktn Land and Lumber Com Acting to prevent any recurrence of reeent dlsturbejieaHnthe wloU Ity of Dover Ftalns and Wasealo, raiding party from the snerlfr tow late last' night descended upon the home et JOhn Faxxlo, If seised beer, win and grappa and arrested Impalrlng.lha r.j. lis, wni tSf" wli Tsl isK TaTlIafi pegyyard out revealed that smith died of acute aleobollam. "There was rio trace of wood al cohoU" coroner Huteut said." "The analysis disclosed that had been Flrat District Second Dlatrlct Third District Fourth' "Dlatrlct Fifth District Sixth Dlatrlct Orand Totals MAIACTURERS TOBEQUBTIONED as was the Odd Fellows building and several.

nearby. i. buildings war scorched and smoke blackened. Discovered gweeputg through the rear of the turnlUrra store at 4:11 furinawaT grani aioonos. it was eiii.wa poisen llauor, but lust too much al.iP! befors' firemen arrived oonol for Mr system toststi.

Smith died at about nine tlock Saturday morning, toppling over aeon after drinking wlthfthe rest of the. men. A halt hourlaUr the six men who were his companions were engaged In, a free, for, all fight that brought Deputy Sheriff, Smith with a group of assistants, The struggling sextette of men was bundled off io the Amenla Jail where they wrecked thlnga In gen Information gathered fromDo otner two men. aioiana.was arrested with two botUes "splits" in bla poeeeaslon. Oararlllo was arrested after Doherty had told au thorities, that.

and. Bmith purchased two beer bottlea of vxpllts" from Oararlllo for 11.00 a bottle. Members of Smith's family came 111 SIM till to Dover Yesterday and made ar tlll 1SIIT 12111 rangemenU for shipping his body. Smith waa known as a 'floater'." and had worked in various parts of ths country on construction Jobs. 31 110 III S90 1 10 SU 101 III 141 441 III IIS 114 41 Til II 01 it New York, Oct SO Mr PaUrol meM Af npAAlrtvn ahn by one' of three robbers who were portunlty of vlauallilng what Kiiemiiune nom up ua a vara same aevoiopmoni vi un early today, died a short time later.

Two of. the alleged robbers were arrested by Polios Sergeant John McCarthy, was with but the third, believed to have Bred the fatal shot, escsped. GIANT PLANE TESTED Milan. Illr. Oct.

0 UfiA glaat multi motored plane developing I.OOO horsepower and capable of carrying 105 passengers Is being tested by the Capronl Airplane Worka. Although It waa said that the. teets time far have been satisfactory, no detail of the conetrucllon of the have been gives out. hla wile, who died It year aov lie was a friend of many of th port' moat dlstlngui.hsd lollower. method of getting a field away Following the funeral services Tueaitav.

tna bodv wtebe taken ta Washlngtjn.anl.lrilrjtd jlMIllL.ia;10jaMavrjRU aJ.snar4irne1 this section of the country. The Preldenf boat will leave Cincinnati Tuesday afternoon after Mr, Hoover haa ddlcated a monument In Eden Park cf that city corn memoratlng theevelopment of the river. It will move elowly down the rlver.untll dusk! when will be tied up at' a 'wharf until morning. At this time, the trip will be resumed and Loulvin will be reschsd late Wednesday afternoon. Tb steamer will Mkdlaon.

Ind for the President to be grssted by, Oovernor' Leslie of Indiana and a delegation of eltlsehe. Three of the PresldenYi speeches wlU broadcaet over a ooaat lo coael book up of th Brosdcaatlng Company, Tba Dear born ap.ech will begin al o'clock. tomorrow evening, eastern Tuesdsy morning, and. that Lqula vllle. at III" central jtan darl lima.

Wednesday wiJe Tf" Waahlnaton. Oct. 80. OfB cers of the Connecticut Manufactur ers' Aasoclatlos will be queatloned tomorrow by tie senate lobby committee about their "loan cf. a man to asalst Senator Bingham, Republican.

Connecticut, In hla ahara of writing the tariff Mil. E. Kent Hubbard, president, and Robert C. Buell. secretary and treasurer, will be the The senate Investlgstors want to aak why the association paid the salary of Its representative while he was assisting Senator Bingham and why It paid hla expenses when he wae with the jenAtoTt Chairman caraway also Is pre pared to ask the committee to seek the aid of department of Justice lir veattgator and lawyers In connection with the lobby Inveetlgatlon.

He baa expressed dissatisfaction aeveral tlmea with the answers' of wltneasea before the committee and ed Information. Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, who questioned Charles L. Eyeineon, the representative of Ihs Connecticut association who assisted Senator Bingham, about file correspondence with Hubbard during his auy in Washington, will ask Hubbard tomorrow for an explanation of aome of the lettera. Last July Hubbard wrote to Eysn soni have. dons, a great deal mors than ws ever bargained for ln the (beginning and undoubtedly th results, which you hare accomplish, ad are.

far, reaching and will bear fruit for some time, to conae. Upon completing the Inquiry Into tbe Connecticut case, the committee wilt tar to Joseph Orundy, representative of the American Tariff League, and then to H. C. Lakln, president of the Cube Com p.fw.traviatfriji!ai,uei axamlned Ue cam pejgn against the'ereposed Incraeae I la th surer tariff.

a ONE ARREST MADE INIWROLLTHlAn Jersey ay, N. Oct. 4m Police 'oelteve they have recovered 11.101.11 of the 141,100 payroll money stolen from an armored ear tn New "Tork Thursday, and are holding on a charge of suspicion of complicity Mra. Julia Coreharan, tl. slster ln lsw of Raymond ir, Oalla gher driver of the truck.

Mra Corchoran waa arrested to day at her residence by New. Tork and Jersey City, detectlvea, A search of thirtround floor flat whlch: Mrs. Corchoran and her family have occupied only sine Thursday, revealed a trunk; containing the' money, It waa concealed In eight different receptacles hidden In the trunk and ranged from several packages of wrspped pennies amounting to II to a wad of bills totaling 11,111 in tag stamped Chemical Bank. Gallagher la still at large. Police expreeaed, the belief that be la In New Jersey.

Police said Mrv Cochoran svsded questions during several hours of grilling. told that on Friday she recevled a telephone cal' from, bar sister. Oallagher's wife, from their home In New. Tork, ask. Inar hsr to come over right away.

filer sister said Gallagher had I ob tained good position In Florida. That they leavlsg New Tork Immediately, and that they had trunk of silverware they wanted her to take charge of. According to Mre. Corchoran, aha hired a Jersey City truckman, rode with, him to New Tork and back again with the trunk which, she insisted, she thoufht contained sllver sas inai pa neiiev to be part of. the money mw.Hwa:Mi aeaavrtM.

oar arraigneo.tnia.morningo. 4The raid was planned early 'yes terday as 'the 1 sheriffs office lm medlat answer to a drinking bout and' brawl among Wasaalo. SUte School laborers on Saturday that! ended In on death and the arrest of eight battlers, In' a (tatement Issued' upon' the return to' this city of the Sheriff' Rockefeller said that the county bad 'declared war on illquor eelleslasmt secUont and would not stop until conditiese were stod alt vein coins; to," said Ul We're going after then' now. until: they told p. 'Condition tbr hay.

been too bad to 1st pass 'The InformaUon Hhat led is) th raid waa. furnished by Hebron Murphy, a farmer, who swore to aa at gftntia'fofteil 'cent a glass and tb Pxnla. aoldt the llauor to them la 5'i 7ik t. rn tna presence ox nis sonsno eaugn ter. botB Tssw tM neceaaary paper and warrants war: jf, a drawn ud yesterday rooming 'and tn raid 2iiH i) 9 Vf'ii In answer general eJarm.

Fifteen minutes after the alarm waa sound ed Chief Charlea; Klmbark sent frantlo call for assistance to Fish kill. Olenham, Wapplngers Falls and poughkeepeie. and apparatus from all this section. of th county; was soon rushing to th' aid of the seem. Intly.

doomed clUr. From the start' It was seen 'that tbe furniture etore' was doomed. Chief Klmbark directed one group of firemen to devote Its energies I eui iD.tuauw.iua for It was realised that the entire portion of the city would be wiped there. Meanwhile the garage took flre and burned rapidly to the ground. uuests at the Holland Hotel ore pared to leave as ths Tire swept fori ward almost an arm's length away.

Lack of wind Is believed to tr aided greatly In sarins thla build From ths start ths situation was grave as a scarcity ol water' The pump from the FishxllI could not supply sufficient water and the reserve supply In the stor age pocket Mount Beacon was Lapped. Thla aupply was lowered only two Inches, despite the set water was drawn from It for more than an hour Aa aoon as the outside' firs com panies reached ths scene the lire men began getting the upper hand. The fire was driven out of the. lum ber yard and atarted to die down In the furniture store and garage. Pumpers threw water at the rate of galldns a minute Into' the biasing infsrno.

Hundrsds of 'cttl sens milled around the fire area but effective policing eliminated disorders, Two firemen, William Eagan, and John Pollard, were lightly (Continued on Page 11) V.l eTwUI VeeSnHVwIa' Shortly after ten o'clock last sJlht' th raiding. party. In cludlnrBberlfr i fRooketoIrtr.1 Cnderehertft raosaJ'sjietH Deputies Baum. H(oa, eu4 Tanziis, left the sharlfTs sfrioe. Leas than an hour later they, track at Fas.

i aio's home which borders the Har. r. lam Valley railroad tracks at Dover, barrels, of wine, eight, eases jz i OS m. 1 'Ae Faxslorwaa too in last 9 jm BAR ASSOCIATION WIIiMEisTTODAY taken, and destroyed. night to be brought to jail and hi arraignment was adjourned untO, today.

Ue will be broutht. to thta p. aetabllshment. tloa In Mess than a half hour and when tbe party departed fronx Fa slo's his business had ween changed from i 'a profitable illicit j. trade to a crime that may land Jtloa' behind prison bars The charge against blm Is a misdemeanor and he la liable, if convicted, to a year raid was another In a recant series against; llquo rteUers the.

vicinity who sr making, hsndsem profits at the expeee et laborers on; the school Laat 'rammer state trooper descended upon four estab Uehments. there' and four publlo nuisance Indictments "In almost every ease the places raided have been. the lowest order of rum holes'! where the. laborer1 gathered In Slth. and dirt to carry oa their drinking bouts.

Fasxlo sold liquor to a Urge client! In hu own home and according to the, com plaint, made pernxlttsd th drinking and Immorality In the presence ei nis Those who frequented big place mostly laborers who got drunk and then rolled about la their drunken "to pore In the presence of the While the raid was In progress three patrons entered the place and after questioning, were released warning. 4 more raids in the vicinity may follow. i PROfflBITION CASES Memphis, Tens Oct, national! Lawyerand jurlata from all aeollons oi tne world crswaea notei ioddics here tonight, prepared lor Vie meet Inge tomorrow of the nine sections of ths American Bar Association. The association's convention which le bnly a ratifying body Jt mesu Wsdnssdsy. but ths sscUens.

i courts during the committees and sub commlttets of the eSlclently organised. assoclaUon begin their deliberations tomorrow on subjects touching' every step Jo life With. childhood, education, labor, matrimony, and The' conference of the Bar. Aese. datum's deletates will be tomorrow's moot Importan.

meeting, Jamea Orsfton Rogers, of th Unl. varsity of Colorado Law School, chairman of the section, will deliver an addreae on the demand for re. organisation of th American BOSTON EDITOR DIES VtenaMwmiizLQCinJkmmJM Hoe. found the which they Art hut A. rowle, ntanaglng editor.

ef th Olobe (or more than 40 year.1 died hare today After brief. Illness. WasMngton, Oct. ttJMnu, Uon, complaint 'menopaUxed 'almost sTimiaai aocket In fUcal year ended une but while num aer of caaeemountad, con vtctlon lagged behind, S'atlstlcs made public today, by the Department, Justice ahiwed'a loUI ULIIItivll V4 erlmlnal cases, ef which ,11.141 were1 rinV Inat. There were II.III prchlblUon cases, l.oot more ihaa' the: previous 1.T0 fewer the stheyear before, but peiasea ui that there was a alight Increase In the amount oellceted In Tw i t.t smouaOer theTasryear was'' Tf etie.est, mor taaa in 'i 1 llsxnrsaiaj iMkemmmiim ViiWitf JJIeVMbdti 'W.

I stUitdMttmim t'H.

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