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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 14
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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 14

Poughkeepsie, New York
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pAttrauKTmi '), n. Dorallrv A. a1 WEDEJSpAYi; UGUST j. I 4 I A ft'eKr 4 1 1 'si iFHjf' 1 its Ism 1r i I iff ptt1; 1 sw 7 be '1 ji 1 ilfiriJii PB i'M dear insa tract t. am Or the married women with a fin bus band aM children ebe good homo that she has no Intention or breaking ujt, but who cannot 1 get 'another off of her mlndi' And then are ao many of, ua.

Wre havg en the bread we can but want white hyadntha a well. We ju iturtni for romance. are aching with tba htadkmrntad of a. woman tot a mth who ova make her forget that anyone els la near, wt can glra bar a nttla thrill Just to be with him. Wa try very bard art to let our husbands and children, know that wa an not perfectly sa4stled.

and wa da our duty and make rood home for them, but whea' we think of romance It la the Qftner Now if a woman can keep her head and be frnda wtth a man Ilka that, la It wrrfit to do not Or ahould a pereon U'ze that be entirely put out of on We Juat beeaum one It marrladt i am not apeaklnf of mere phyaloal attracUon, but the attrition of mental Qualities, the finer thlnji of life amoni people whoae morua are hl(h and who would atoop te unfalthfumeaa. A OOOO WIHC 'ANSWER! There are few tracedles ta life greater than that of the men and women wboaa matea We them their all, but whoae all la not enough, and who 10 through life atanrlng for the thlnga of the spirit when their wires and husbands can only provide them, with the things of the flesh. Yet they are ao good, these dull, commonplace Johns and John is ao faithful, tender ar.d kind. Be works ao hard and feels that he makes her ao happy when ha gives her luxuries. Maria Is.

such a rfood wife, such a marvelous housekeeper, such a devoted wife and mother, ao cheerful and uncomplaining, so anxious to 'please John In every way. And neither one woulc" do anything to make the other unhappy. ijBut always there Is the aching de air for companionship, the lonell, neas of those who must walk apart with no hand to clasp their own. Always then la this longing for the romance they can never have the thrill that they can never feel Surely not the least among the martyrs, art those men and women Who en dura these loveless marriages with out tveaa ilanee towards the green ar, fields, and who pretend a happiness they never feel, Whether this woman who his this longing tor romance should keep It vailed dn a secret garden In her heart, or whether aha should cast the thoughts out of her mind and throw ashes upon them, depends upon her temperament. Feraonally, I think she Is aafeat and happiest If aha accepts her husband "as Is" and enjoys thai met mignon na provides for ner, instead of yearning after caviar.

DXAR Visa DTXil am years eld and am becoming, prematurely gray My husband and adolescent hair. I have been ustnsr a lotion to Kstere my Its natural color, but It baa made my scalp aore. What do yoy thing 1 baa better nor It emus TANSWER: should say let Nature take Its course, gray hair doemi maka you look older. On the contrary, It makes you look younger because "the contrast "Is so unexpectea. Auogray nair very beautiful and.

is almost universally a However, if yoo ere golng to dy youirhalr. fur Heaven's satrflorit aaaPTggaH gagtFMggal ii. vaagggggtl ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE of the engagement of Mlas ROSE RITA OIAMMATTEO. Oarke street, to John B. Caaelnova Jr.

Brooklyn. Rose Giammatteo's Engagement Announced Mr. ana Mrs. runaiao uiammaiteo of Clarke street, announce the en gagement of their daughter. Rose Rita, to John B.

Caaelnova Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Caaelnova nr, oi.Brooaiyn. Miss Olammatteo sttended local schools and Is a graduate of Wilfred academy.

New York city, she Is employed at the Wallace Co. beauty Mr. Caselnova attended schools In Brooklyn. Be served four yean In the U. 8.

Army, At present he Is employed ss a longshoreman In Brooklyn. Happy Hour Club Plans Bus Ride Sunday Memuvra 01 in nappy nour CJUD met last night at 22t Mill street, at which time final plans for the bus ride to: Rye Beach. Sunday, wen completed. ReservsUons an In the charge of Mrs. Mildred Conklln.

An anniversary gift waa presented to Mrs. Maud IMS by her Mystery Pal uoneaaea jor ine evening were Mra Marjorle Merritt Mrs. Alice Mer rltt, Mrs. Maud Addor and Mra. Pauline Demchar.

There were 35 present. Anaersons Wehners Given Housewartning tu. and jars. a. b.

Anaeraon and Mr. and Mra. Emll J. Wehner Jr, formerly of this city and Walkllll, wen entertained at a surprise house wsrmlng given by relatives and friends on Saturday night, at their tutw ViwnA In sock and picture after which ireenmenta wen served. Among the Invited guests wen Mr.

and' Mrs. JSOTi i 1 'Ji'ii t.f amateui A. Robert Anderson of Milton. Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Rand, Mr. and Mra. Edward Brltt, Mr. and Mra. Harvey Wilkin.

Mr. and Mra. Harold Sheeley, Mr. and Mra. Harold Martin of Hudson.

Dr. and Mra. John Oody, Mra. Emll Wehner 8r Mr. and Mrs.

Kmmett, Burhana, Mr. and Mra. Joseph Koopman. Mrs. John Miller, Mr and JMn.

JohaHoldeiL Jellrey Wehner. Katharine. Robert and because It la work of art that no amateurcan turn out properly 'Ji: (Released by The sen syndicate, MSGKpre? i IMS flUJt a a a il sfcr 1 i I I Wt 'ii 1 1 i'fS'' 1 i 1 1 Mm yBda Halrt Beauty. Hints R4M it 1 ii4 Sift: JJ yw iA rH4 1 1 Ta FT TT 7 lip gggeS hSS 'M1 mm Wm Joan Marie Bur nans. RrfcReisner, Weds Garrison Girl i tThe'flrt whdtbncaainjhe oos counten for'her back to school requirements' will settle tor the baste preparations and see that each Is keyed to the.

needs, of her iirwilL that. la. if she and wants to stretch her pennies. iara a coamaUo raaearch chemist, a The tint requirement, he aaya, la a good cleanser. This can be a bland soap (or a aoapless liquid which whips up a penetrating lather In hard; water.

Use this cleanser often two or three tlmea a day at least, he aaya to free ports of anything at all that clogs tbem. Nest, he recommends a gnaseless lubricant to kea a young akin sup ple and free from chapping. Young suns, he aaya, have an abundance of natural oils ao that they should not subjected to smean of heavy waxy creams Intended for the older woman a dry or less acun sxin. Besides; lays our a greasy cream allowed to remain on the surface of a young akin only attracts Whleh burrows into pores and causes blemishes. tA protective lotion to be used as a' powder base Is third on the chemist's recommended list.

One such loUorj which slightly medicated tor sheathing akin against' germs leaves a complexion looking glam erously. smooth when powder Is These cosmetics plus lipstick and, if you Insist, such party occasion j1 glarnbrlsen sa. eyeshadow mascara i "3 II aii A wnmkm I the most of youthful good looks. loverettes4H Girls 'Make Trip to Albany Members' of the Seven Cloverettes 4H club o( Chapel Corners enjoyed ar boat iHp ta Albany recently with their leader, Mrs. Charles E.

DeVor. Those making the trip wen Phyllis 1 Allen. Barbara Lyon. Shirley Stat er, Shirley Vaughn. Shirley Power, Janet Trainer.

end Janet Petty. Tour memben cf the club attend ed Ibe clothtag revlew held recently at Roosevelt High school and Shirley Power rand Shirley Vaughn received awards: 01 axoeuence. Committees. to serve the Mends' 1 Meetlnc.for the year 1M7 4S, beginning Bept. 1, have been named.

cAmoog the appointments' for one, two and three yean an overseen, Judson W. Blackmon. Mra. Jennie W. Underbill, Mra.

O. Corliss Badg ley, Alfred J. Henderson, John I. Lane and William J. Reagan; auditors, John Taylor and James Townsend; trustees; A.

Russell B. Baker, WUlard H. Carroll, John I. Lane, James Townsend, Stephen R. Taber, Mr.

Wil liams and David F. Lane; finance, C. Ralph Clark, Paul L. Taylor, George P. White, Frederic Earle Smith, Wakeley B.

Baker, F. Paul A. Russell Beaton, John E. Taylor and Earl Baker; hospitality, Mrs. John E.

Taylor, Miss Helena Raymond, Mrs. "Wakeley Baker, Mrs. Stephen R. Taber, Miss Arvllla Oou. dy, Miss Anna M.

Barrett, Mra. Cur. Us Newlin and Miss Minnie Myea Nomlnatlng, Mrs. Charlotte Underfill. Mrs.

Lawrence O. Heaton, Miss Margaret L. Underhlll. C. Ralph Clark.

OrvUle R. Wright. Mrs. Jsmes Williams, Miss Jsns R. Havl land and Mrs.

A. Russell Heaton. The one year appointments In clude clerks. Mr. Deuell and Mr.

Williams; recorders. Miss Raymond and Mra. David F. Lane; treasurers, Mr. and Mr.

White; elder nominating committee, David Lane, Harry R. Myers and Mra. Jler bert Day; missionary, Miss Jane R. HavUand, Mra. Eugene Stratum, Hiss Anna O.

Wing, Mrs. Elsie Ran dan. Mrs. Charlotte Underhlll. Mrs William J.

Reagan. Mra. Bernard Kimball and Mra. OrvUle R. Wright and Mrs.

Kittle Bennett; Young Friends' activities. George A. Badg. ley. Mrs.

Smith Knapp. Mra. Day, Mn. Deuell, Ralph R. Albertaon, Spencer B.

Miner William Moore and Bruce Kimball. Peace and service committee. Mrs Oeorbe Klrby. Mrs. WUson Sheldon, Mr.

and Mn. Alfred Henderson. Mr, and Mn. J. Curtis Newlin, Mr.

Badgley, Mr. Wright, Ada M. Klett. Mra. 'Day, Mr.

and Mrs. Delancey Verplanck, R. Lewis Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Button ana mi.

end Mrs. Bernard Kimball. House committee, Mra. Phoebe Mrs. Wakeley Baker.

Mrs. George White and Wakely Baker; toplo committee. Earl W. Baker, Alfred J. Henderson, Harry R.

Myen and Mr. Badgley music Mrs. Martin V. B. Morgan Jr, Mn.

WUlard Carroll. Miss Helena Raymond, Miss Esther' Raymond, Mn. Oeorge White, Mrs. A. Russell Heaton.

and Mn. Phoebe Daniels; American Friend reporter; Miss Helene Raymond; publicity, Mra. Morgan: ushers. Albert Seifts, Martin V. B.

Morgan Jr. WUson M. Sheldon, Donald Badgley, Herbert O. Day. Ralph R.

Albertaon, Spencer B. MUler Jr, and William B. Sheldon. a Refreshments. Mrs.

Fletcher Mar rltt. Mn. Earl Baker, Mrs. Judson Blackmon. Mlas Edith Austin, Mrs.

Morgan apd Mra. Deuell; library, OUne Jolce, Mra. Kimball and Mrs. Frederic Earle Smith: flowers. Mrs.

Carroll, Mrs. Baker, Mra. Deuell, Mra. Jennie Underhlll and Miss Helene Raymond and religious ed ucatlon. Mrs.

Harry Moore, Wilbur T. Archibald. Mr. Myers. Mr.

Baker and Mr. assisted by the of flcers and teachers of the Church School. Variety Shower' Given Ruth Florence Miss Ruth Florence wsa guest of honor at a variety shower given recently by the Misses Mary Fallon, Madge Volnlck, Sue Confortl and Jean Qauagner. miss Florence wlU become the bride of Harry Decker on Sunday. Among those attending were Mrs.

John Henderson, Mrs. Wanda Allen, Mrs. Ann Burchlll, Mrs, Jan Ice Dolan, Mrs. Loretta Hyatt, Mra. Rosalie BaUlen, Mn.

Frances Bergen and the Misses Jean Oallaghe'r, Shirley Jenny Flberlo, Minnie Marie Griffin. Paula Weber, Elisabeth Way and Joan Lattln. PERSONALS Mr. and 'Mrs;" Christorjher S. Lewis, end daughter.

Miss Mildred Lewis, It Virginia avenue, hare turncd after a vacation spent at cape uoa. mum. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pitcher.

21 Cottage street, an visiting nlatlves In Highland. Mrs. Daisy Wals, Stapleton. 8. Is spending the week with her uncle and aunt, Mr.

and Milton Holsapple, 31 Cottege street, Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Lewis and daughter. Mildred Ann.

in arand avenue, an vacationing at Cape Cod, Mass. Representative Clifford P. Case of Union County, New Jersey and Mn. Case wen weekend guests of the former's mother, Mn. Clifford P.

esse Sr, 110 Livingston street. William E. Cnlgbton, 112 Forbus street, hss resumed his duties at the Federal Bearings after spending a vacation In Albany. Staff Begeant and Mrs. Roy V.

Brown spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Livingston street. They cele brated their first, wedding annlver XJ'eEsggePnralHP V. TT REFORTfNa ON SESSIONS of the state convention of the Sand 40 society at a ptenle supper meeting of the society last night' waa JENNIE V.

'ALULIS le petite chapeau. Conventon Report Given by Mrs. Alulis Mrs. Jennie V. Alulis.

le petite chapeau of the 8 and 40 society, who represented the society at the de aary on Sergeant Brownff rtmo convention sessions held a member of the Army Air Forcea, xu reccnuj, ga will leave Fort Slocum tomorrow by motor to report for duty at 8po kane, Wash. He wUl be accompany led by his wife. Freshmen from this ana who have been awarded' scholarships st Union college include Roger Elting, New Palts; Charles Jones, Beacon; Walter J. Freeman, Newburgh, and James H. Scott, MUton.

Mr. and Mra. Robert B. Orlfflth, of 109 College avenue, and Miss Evelyn Studley, 'of 130 Cannon street, hkve returned after a motor trip to the Bay of Pundy. New Brunswick, Canada.

Their trip Included a visit with the Misses Pal User, of this city at their summer camp at Lucerneln Malne, and a stop at Booth Bay Harbor, Me. tor deep sea fishing and painting. Miss Alice Xmsley.of 22 Mitchell avenue. Is visiting this week with Mlas Alice Welch, of Boston, Msss. Mrs.

Robert Jens and son. Michael, Anchorage, Alaska, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Frederick N. Morgan. Cedar avenue.

Mrs. Jens 1s the former Miss Bar ban Morgan. She made the trip by airplane. The Misses. Dolores Scott snd Shirley Johnson, Hyde Park, have returned after yeeatlon spent In Montreal, uwaoa.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. TwlefeL 2 Noxon street, entertained over the weekend Mr.

and Mrs. Frits Kam mann and son, Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Honold. and daughter, Eleanor, aU of Brooklyn, who are vacationing at OrahamsrUle.

Mr. and Mn. Oeorge Watt, 78 South Randolph avenue, have returned after a vacation spent at Ocean OroverN. J. report of the sessions at a picnic supper meeting of the society held last night at the home of Mn.

Emma Larson, 2 Adams street. Mrs. Ann Aekerman, who also at tended the sessions when she wes elected to the office of la aumonler, attended last night's meeting and addressed the members. She will represent the local society at the national convention sessions In New York City late this month. Mrs.

Emma Veils waa chairman of last night's supper Mrs. Evelyn Marin reported that I1SJ0 had been spent In the but montn lor weuara wont ana mat as In voluntary contributions had been received for this purpose. She also made known that memben of the Lafayette Post Drum corps will present a program of entertainment for residents of the Children's home. Sept 7. Plsns wen made for a food sale to be conducted In.

September with Mn. Emma. Vella and Mra. Mary Englehart as co chairmen. Mra.

Alulis dnped the charter of the society In memory of Mrs. Anna Seifts and Mrs. Katherine Frits. Plana wen made. for nomination and election of offleen at the next meeting.

Sept. 16. Attending were Mrs. Maude Decker, Mra. Ann Aekerman, Mrs.

Eleanor Oreen. Mrs. Dorothy Payne. Mra. Edna Dykman.

Mra. Lola King. Mrs. Englehart, Mrs. Bessie Foster, Mrs.

Marie Cotton. Mra. Marguerite Soulsman, Susie Wheeler. Mrs. Clan Hartung.

Mrs. OUve Johnson, Mrs. Julia Merte. Mrs. Elizabeth Stearns.

Mra. Mae Ryan, Mra. Laura Howroyd, Mrs. Marin. Mra.

Vella, Mn. Lrson and Mra. Aiuua. Poughkeepale lodge of Elks ta fur therm; preparations for an outing which will be sponsored bthe Social arid oommunlty weuan committee of the lodge at the Oks Health camp. Freedom Plains, Sunday, Aug.

24. Then will be a program ot games and races for children, under the direction ot James Sullivan, which will begin at 1:30 A program ot dancing and entertalngecnt tor adults win begin at noon. The outing will be for memben, their families end friend. Ernest L. Tlnklepaugh, past exalted ruler.

Is general chairman of arrangement. Memben of the Social and Com munity Welfare committee who an assisting with amngemenU are Charles V. Belaney, Walter J. Davis, A. W.

Mslet, Thomas J. Whalen, Herman Soloway, Sterling Holmes, Carl KlKhner, Mayor Doran, Btan lslaus J. Dean, John Hoppe, Daniel M. Keyea, Oeorge O. Salberg, CharUs Castellans, William Close, the Rev.

Thaddeua X. Kamlnskl, Edward Lescssk. Joseph Trojan, John Baumann. Norrla Datichy, Jo seph Dudek, Frank Dudek, William Pesano, James ouuivan, jamea Jullano. Joseph Welaman, Nathan Oolenaky, David Rosenberg, Leo Lomlnskl, Herbert Croshler.

William Croshler. A. Toast. AUen J. Wels man, Edward Boland, Alan Sertrj ner, John F.

Albano, Robert Martin, Joseph T. Russell, Frank Albano, Jack Haug, wuuam J. Rownan, William Malsel, Thomas Lowery, David O'Brien. Jones Costeuo, Oeorge Brophy, David McCoy, Roy Jones, William SadUer, Oeorge Me Arthur, Ouy a White, Joseph Cavalert, Oeorge Mahar, William Shelly. Frank M.

Berry, Charles O. Conger, Sheldon Relyea, Michael Rel yes, William Evana, Lester Oeter houdt, John Heffernan. Bertram Miller. William OUleaple, Joseph Mulligan. Jeremiah Norton, Vincent Keuy, Joseph Flynn, Bernard Manning, Louis Tnutweln, William O.

Pells and Paul O. Sullivan. Mra. Anne Cabot Needlework aUausett Bcheel Grade vjursgecaeat AaneaBeei i William Scaradsle, announces engsgement of his Miss Dorothy Jean Leslie, in: alumna of Bennett Junior co) Uft'i MlUbrookj: to Thomas Paul iDalehanty, "sonTof: Mr. sn Mil.

jnomas 0. Delahanty, also of Scars bride elect, served In Ihe WAVES tor two years In Washington and New York, 1 a pro VftanslsBStnberof the Junior Miss Margaret M. Cayer, Hmngh. 01 air. ana sirs, ixnus csyer, married at 5 o'clock, Aug.

In Our Lady of LoretU church. Cold Aprlng, to Robert P. Relsner, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Relsner, 202 Wlnnlkee avenue.

The. Rev. Led Ryan officiated. Miss Miriam E. White was soloist and the wedding marches wen played by Mn.

Jlmlnex, Given In marriage by her father, the bride won a white nylon satin gown made with a sweetheart neck, line', fitted bodice and a' full skirt ending in a short train. Her veil was of rose point lace and she carried a' bouquet of white roses. Oeorge D. Ingrabam, Oar rlson, attended her slater as me tron of. honor.

She wea dressed In deep blue net with a matching veil and mitts and. carried a bouquet of deep blue cornflowers and bridal wreath. Mra. Walter T. LeMon and Miss Mary Boyle, both ot SUten Island, wen the other attendants.

They wen dressed alike In light blue frosted net with which they won matching, veils and mitts. Their flowen wen light blue and white cornflowers and bridal wreath. The bride's mothar wore a street length dress of blue moire taffeta with a corsage of white gardenias, ana Mn. neuner wss dressed in blue with gold accessories and a corsage of white roses. Joseph Relsner, city, attended his brother ss best man.

Ushers In eluded Oeorge D. Ingrabam and Robert Carlson, Garrison. After a reception at Garrison hall, the couple left then by motor for a trip to Canada For traveling the bride wore a gfey suit with navy ac ceaaories. Upon return the couple will reside et 202 Wlnnlkee avenue. Mrs.

Relsner was graduated from Garrison school and Haldane High school. Cold Spring. For two years she served as hostess with the N.C.OB, on Staten Island. At present she employed by the. BUndaidXiU uq.

or New York. She served for two and one half yean with the SPARS and was stationed In Palm Beach; BOstorTsKd Cape Cod. She also took the Loran Course at MIT, Boston. The bridegroom, who Is emoloved by the New. York Central Railroad Co.

as a Conductor, attended local schools and aaw service during the wsr. Out of town guests attending the wedding were from Staten Island, Hartford, Roanoke, Newburgh, New Jersey, Yonken, Peekskill. Gold Spring, New. York City, TheUs, New York and Women of Maose Will Plan Promm Members Of the Women of the 'Black eyed SusarraollTPattern No; Uinaa Mnss a ft Iflll 1 nn 1 oobu) sena is cents in COIN. YOUR 4sE9TV Ki QXr ft 1 (ji jf 1 'V AAJeW lsleKav 4l $Mm Adorable atuffed Plcklnlnny has moveable, arms and' legs; hair of wool, tied with multicolored ribbon bows and dressed In "doUfashlons" latest.

The pleasure on any youngsters face when she sees Susan WlU be ample reward for your efforts, To obtain comolete cuttlna. mak ing and finishing Instructions for 1 IQeorgB VTftowaJrn sqn of Mrrand Mra. Rowe, city, has. been accepted for entrance in Cornell university and wlU begin his studies with the lauterm. Mr.

Howe' pkted a year's study at Mohawk col lege. Utlea. He served as an ensign In the during th war for three and one half yean. Hia father is associated with IBM. Mra.

John McCarthy, IS North Clover street, has returned to her home from St. Fnncls' hospital where ahe recently underwent an operation. Mrs. Elting T. Scott.

Klrchner avenue, Hyde Park, who haa been seriously 1U the past 10 weeks, Is able to be about. Friends and neighbors attended a lawn party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Ean. New Palts road, last night, the occasion being the lth birthday of Douglas Mar key of Boone, Iowa.

Robert Denhardt who la spending his vacation at Lake Oeorge, fell from a truck on which he was riding and the wheel passed over his ankle, breaking It. He la getting around on crutches. Mr. and Mn. Louis Lass, Dutchess turnpike, have arrived at the Rltx Carlton hotel, Atlantic City, for an extended vacation.

Mr. and Mra. Webster Ean, Mrs. Charles Bell, John and Florence Auchmoody, Marjorle Shaw and their guests, Mrs. John Markey, Marjorle and Douglas Markey, have returned to their home on the New Palts road after spending the past aeveral days In New York City and Coney Island.

Mr. and Mn. Rudolph Vallno have returned to their home after a two week vacation at Asbury Park. Mrs. Vallno Is the fonAer Mies Florence Moody.

J. Arnold Wood returned home today after attending the 42nd annual convention of the American National Betail Jewelers' essoclatlon at the Waldorf Astoria, New York. Mr. and Mn. Walter D.

Sutcltffe, Washington. D. C. are the guests of Mn. John Sutellffe, arand street and are visiting relatives and friends here.

Vassar Graduate's Engagement Announced Miss Mary 'Amelia Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Starr Taylor, Easton, Conn, haa chosen Sepe8itdrsTierTnarrlag terSamuel MitcbeU Vincent, son of Mra. Noble Edwrd Vincent, Sou tbport. Conn, and the late Mr.

Vincent The Rev. Walter O. Klnsolvlng, rector of Christ Episcopal church, Easton, wUI officiate In the Old Church. wUl be a smaU receptlon ta the Fairfield County Hunt club after the ceremony. The bride to be waa graduated from Vassar ooUege In Empire Rebekahs To Sponsor Card Party Another In the aeries of summer card parties of Empire Ttebekeh lodge wlU be conducted at o'clock tomorrow night at the home of Mn.

Janet Schulenberg. 2M South Cherry street. AU games wUl be played and favors awarded. Mrs. Edith Smith, Is chairmen of arrangements and la being assisted by Mrs.

Schulenberg. Mrs. Jennie Lohengren, LiUlsn Doremus, the Misses Katherine end Cortnne Peterson, Mrs. Beatrice Decker and Mra. Hasel Pell A party of the lodge waa held Sat urday afternoon at the home of the Misses Peterson, pour corners, re von wen awarded to Mlas BUUe Eylers, Mrs.

Emma Seism, Mrs. Hst Ue Pelaquln, Mrs. Schulenberg, Mrs. Hasel Pells, Miss Katherine Peter eon, Mra. jenme winter, Mrs.

trice Decker, Miss Laura Doughty Mn. Mildred Doughty and Mra Carrie McComb. DoUatiU'MerritilXi. Marriaae'Ahnounced'rT i. miss ieniriey uiaays atemu, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs, Augustas L. MerMtt, Market street, was married at 2 "o'clock. Sunday; Aug. in St. Paul's Episcopal church to WUllara Reynolde Doughty Jr.

eon of Mr. and Mrs. Doughty, 14g Wlnnlkee avenue. The Rev. Roland J.

Bunten, rector, officiated. Mlas Lilian Taylor, church organist, pleyed the wedding marches, and Mlas Rita Balrd sang "I Love You Truly," and Promise The bride, who was given In' marriage by her father, iron a gown pt white skinner aa tin made, with a sweetheart neckline, long pointed sleeves, fitted bodice and a fuU cir cular skirt. Her full length veU of 1 lusion wss caugni 10 a uara 01 lace and orange blossoms and she carried a colonial bouquet of white rosea and aweet pees. Miss Evelyn RoakoakL maid ot honor, wee gowned In yellow mar qulsette with a matching hat, and lace mute. She carried a colonial bouquet of orchid and white sweet peas.

Miss Doris Merrltt attended her, sister as bridesmaid. She was gown' ed In orchid marquisette with a matching sweetheart hat ana mltta. Her flowen wenorchid and white sweet peas arranged. In a colonial bouquet. The bride's mother won a brown satin dress with a beige picture hat Her corsage waa Of pink carnations.

Mrs. Doughty waa dressed In a brown print dress with white accessories and won a corsage of white roses. William WUson, uncle of the bridegroom, served as his best man. Ushers included Worthy Keller bouse, uncle of the bride, and Robert Ooebler. 'f A reception for 200 was held at the Red Men's club after the ceremony.

Later, Mr. and Mrs. Doughty left then for a wedding trip the Glen Manor fh the Adirondack. Tne onae treveung ensemble was or beige with pink accessories. Mra.

Doughty was graduated from Poughkeepale. High 'school, class of '45 and la employed as secretary In the New State Zmployment Service. The bridegroom, also an alumnus of Poughkeepste. High school, das or plana to enter the Krissier Business instltuteln the fsU. He entered eervice In IMS and'aerved with tba Paratroopen In Oermany for a year, receiving hia discharge In April.

1MT. The cpuple plan reside at 20 Noxon street Out of town guests sttended the wedding from New Jersey, New York, Troy, Kingston, FishkUl, EUxa vUle and Rochester. gegeHwH HB etf gttttttttgtVVlta ados' gcttttccKgal MM" gegefwBxH mW Tbi aTi 'Vai If mm mmm Friends Honor JeahetteV. Kettle Miss Jeanette V. KetUe, daughter ot Mra.

Sarah KetUe, MU1 street Wspplngen Falls, was honored at a bridal shower Sunday afternoon given by the Misses Catherine Col Una and Rita Bradley. Gifts wen arranged under a sprinkling can with streamere attached to gifts for the bride to be. Decorations were in green and white. Among those attending were: the Misses Marjorle Betty Ket tle. Helen Kettle, jeannetu Moate.

Patty Bradley, Anne Kener, Mar garet Collins, Joan Llnge, Janet Clearwater, Alice Acosta, Elizabeth Cantweu. and Mra. Baren setue Mn Richard Llnge, Mra. Kenneth Jennings. Mn.

Tbomss Rogers, Mrs. Julia Mra. Agnes Medics. Mr Thomas Bradley, Mrs. Charles Collins, Mrs.

William Hoyt and the guest of honor. Miss Kettle WlU become the bride ot Raymond Te trault, of Connecticut next month. Wmm KECENT BsUDE US Mrs. Wn, LIAM REYNOLDS DOUQHTI Jr, the former Miss Shirley Oladri Merrltt, ot this dtyThe eeresxan took place Aug. 2 In St Pstft Episcopal cnurcn.

Anselo Petri Our Children Lepore Boscardin Rites in Dover Plains St Charles Borromeo church. Dover Plains wss Ihe scene, of the gram wlU held Uerer marriage 01 auaa ueipnuw aonu: Arlington AuxiUary To Have Supper, Meeting Memben of the Arlington American Legion auxiliary wUl meet tomorrow night for a covered dish supper meeting. It win be held at the summer home of Mr. and Mra. Edward Rehbeek.

WUlowbrook Heights, with Mrs. Etta Tuton as hostess. Husbands of the memben will be guests for the supper. Those plan ning to attend will assemble at 31 Davis avenue at o'clock and In ease of rain, the supper and. pro Ruth MXett We, the Women at o'clock tomorrow rilg'hL Plans will be made for a Publicity Chapter Night program which will 'ac held In September.

Other coming activities also wlU be discussed, NAME, ADDRESS snd the PAT TERN NUMBER to ANNE CABOT. Poughkeepale New Yorker, 1150 Avenue of the America. New York ll, N. Townsend Cfalb Mans Council Meeting Memben of the Townsend club No. 1 win conduct a councU meeting at the home of Mn.

Harry Scherte, It CranneU street. o'clock tonight Miss Ethel DuBols wUl St Joseph's PTA WlU Plan Actvll Membersof SI. Joseph's Parent Teacher association will meet at. the church haU at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night, for a apeclal business session. Plana wUl be made for a picnic and for a portion supper.

Warren wUl preside. This la, the time of the year when the non gardener begins to see some justification for his laziness. Just look at all the pleasure he gives his gardening friends. The non gardener Is the perfect listener when' the gardener starts measuring off the alia of bis cu cumben. He properly, awed and appreciative, whereas another gardener Would Insist on topping the story with bis own achievements.

The non too. is grateful to be given a mess of bean or tomatoes, and a lot of the fun of gardening, of Is being able to make presents of the things you grow. And when the proud gerdeper Invites the abstainer to sample his sweet com, which "has never been better," the non gardener Is free to accept the Invitation with alacrity. But If he had a garden of hia own the Invitation be quite so Besides, he probably couldn't bring himself to go off and leave his own garden just' as the or something, were coming pn. And, of course, his would hsve to think about the canning.

So there's a place in the world for the non gardener, too. What would his gardening friends do without, him? 1 r( 1. 1 Boacardln, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Bert.

Bcacardln to Raymond R. Lepore. son of Mr. and Mn. Matteo Lepore of the Bronx, at 2 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Aug.

2. The. Rev. Francla McShane, assist ant pastor, performed the ceremony and the Rev. Daniel Hughes, pastor, was In the sanctuary.

Mn. Patrick Herklna played a program of organ wedding music and Mn. Frank Scott sang "Ave Maria," Roaewlg. Olven In marriage by her father, the bride was gowned In white satin designed with a sweetheart neckline, a shirred bodice trimmed with orange blossoms, long sleeves and a full skirt which ended in a long train. The gown was trimmed with two rows of lsce Inset from the shoulden to the hemline, both In the front and back.

She wore a finger tip length veU caught with orange blossom and carried a white preyer book arranged with a cascade of white rosea and atreamara. Mra. Oeorge Pilch attended her sister aa matron of honor. Her gown was ot blue net with a fitted bodice and sweethesrt neckline. She wore a matching heart shaped bonnet and carried a colonial bouquet of orange gladioli.

The bridesmaids were another alster. Mrs. Bernard Fabrlzlo, New Britain, Conn, and Miss Inez Pezzato, Dover Plains. Mn. Fabrlzlo waa gowned in yellow brocaded satin made with a fitted bodice which was fashioned with a sweetheart neckline.

She won a heart shaped matching hat and carried yellow gladioli: Miss pezzato wore a similar gown of aqua and carried yellow gladioli. Carol Ann Audio, niece ot the bride, of Torrtngton, Conn, was the flower glrL She won a frock of white net with red roses In her hair and carried a colonial bouquet of mixed flowers. Angelo Coccsro, Bronx, wss the best msn snd Angelo Boscardln and Joseph Ellas were the ushers. Mrs. Boacardln, mother of the bride, waa gowned In black and white crepe with 'which ahe wore black accessories end a corsage of red roses.

Mrs. Lepore, rnother of the bridegroom won a blue crepe ensem ble with which she won white ac cessories end a corsage of red roses. A reception wss held at the home ot the bride, after the ceremony, after which the couple left for a wedding trip to Lake Oeorge. For traveling, the bride wore a coooa brown suit with beige accessories and a corsage of white roses. Upon turn, the couple win make their home In New York.

City. The bride waa graduated from Dover Plains High school and attended the Krlsiler Commercial school. She hag been employed by ma rargo Manuiactunng 00. cere. Mr.

Lepore served for. 32 months In the U. S. Army Air Force. He wea a prisoner of war for two months In Germany.

Mr. Lepore 1 now an engineering, student at 'the' Academy of Aeronautics at La Guardla Field. Out of town guest attended the wedding from city, Torrington. uianeia. tne Bronx, Florida.

New Ajum AcUme Dress Patterns a OH YOU SMOOTHIE! It's modern design. aU right I This frock's nothing else but I Slim, slick, suave, but swlngy Pattern 4M7 with a couple of chic tricks shoulder tabs and back fullness. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, Is tested for fit Includes complete Ulustnted Instruction. Pattern 4S87 cornea In Jr. Mis sizes II.

13. 13. 17. Size 13 takes 3 yarda'29 lnch fabric Send TWENTY FIVE cents In colne for this pattern to Poughkeepale New 121 Pattern Dept, 243 West ITth street. New York 11, N.

Y. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS. 8TYLE NUMBER. RESTLESS CHILDEEN Then an children, en children, who do not sleep 1 TW7 are put to bed on time and fJ! asleeplafter a long period of wil fulness. Then, In about four they again 'and toss' alea restlessly for houn more.

la tin morning, they. are. fretful and Oil cult' to manage, refusing tba breakfasts, dwaddllng over ttlnp until their mothen an at their vV end to know what to do with Own. These children, when examines their family physician, show ne ifca ot fUneaa. To all appearances gay an In good health.

Why they sot aleep la a question. Mothen ess no reason, end doctors ssy thoi no apparent reason for the rm leasness. Most children are asser alx yean old. Such chUdrea growing their great muscle nam, or should be. In order to gro fbaa weU they must have hard enrcaa.

Then, too, these children an sear atlng great stores of energy for Urtr growth. This energy must bt it leased to promote the actlrtti mat uses the muscles, wean them ean and recreates tbem. Children a rgrow fastand sturdlly unlearSilr process of building up, wearing ewe and recreatlpgjsgolng on ta fuU extent jj Few In dtlee canto this acUvlty, thla hard exarcte play, that la demanded by natoaat the price of health growth. Tbtikf placea are tew; the streets artsv aafe; to go, to the park. mem escort: and mothen an busy: as homes are smaU and confined: Pk addaun to the restricted war MIS that dame up the children's enrto Intended for then growth, rertta the use' of the muscles end ana.

centen mat muss act growi. to be made. VH Activity, hard play uses the eoKtT and promotea growth. It brings that healthy, tired feeling Hat makea aleep easy. The restless cos.

burdened with energy tney cw release, axe fretful. Irritable, at puah off the aleep their bodies e. not want. This 1 a difficult altuatlaa mothen In dtlee. Mothers la t.

country. In suburbs when then yard spacee, can send their cblura. out 'to build, run, Jump, rakf and snde. A pile of sand, a heap smooth boards and blocks, a wag some bricks, some sticks, a stouttx" fumi, mttiit arw wondelfa tooU of active pl. Children tte, have hard exercise tn the open sg wlU sleep.

City, mothen bsvsj search tor safe places where seek play can be had, and It la no eW search. Stimulate your child's Interest sv reading by having books In the heus m.i.11. k. Mill miIm Tn lrnnw Wbal' books, consult Dr. Pstri's leanet TA Oood Books for ehfldren." aMn ft relit ft coin and a stamped self addresses envelope to him, co pougnjwy VAvir rMihrfttuie.

N. (Released by The Beu Dyno inc. 1 Annual Friends' Session Slated at Crum Elbow the eUl ijii nuuuav BUt7ISU VSSl itml' UMltlnv will be hCU at the Crum Elbow. Meeting at 2:30 o'clock. Round K.

Reede. New. York Off and: Eleanor D. Strtngham, Oien Cove, axe expected to attend tns meeting and spesk. AU fJ? an Interested' are invited to atter If Jersey and Wlngdale.

treat Ad drees I 1 csty Pouahkeepsie. Grange PlaniPicnici Meeting Memben ot PoughkaeDl the; WL Tt "Z1L5ZZ7Z. business viiYiiKo fnuM ufxwvmr 1, fi meetlnf at otloclcTne 1 eram of aameawlU MtlUJder Wf at a' p. m. inM During the Ibualness 'J'r then wUI be a lMtneoiaae rnier ocr uiraa ft Hiiat4ap1if aaeiei4n1' IT1rt: WlU program of entertalnmantj it.

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